In the rapidly changing world of the twenty-first century, this strategic visionary for the future The purpose of health promotion is to inform the World Health Organization support plan. The Sustainable Development Goals, the Thirteenth General Program of Work and the Implementation framework of the third billion target of the Thirteenth General Program of the World Health Organization Work (to be published in 2022) related to health promotion, sustainability and improved security. From August to November 2020, it provides a systematic foresight analysis
Health-promotion system capacity models and a horizon scan of global trends. In the time of Covid-19, these visionary ideas are more prominent than ever. The epidemic He expressed the need for more concrete investment in health promotion as a mindset. Professional capacity and practice supported by digital infrastructure. Political instability International health diplomacy is needed to maintain peace and security. There is a call for an international action plan To support countries in promoting health and well-being through health promotion.
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