MASON, Tenn. (WMC) – Two new businesses held grand openings in Mason on Saturday after a troubled year for the historic small town.
Comollita Williams and Tiffany Taylor, who were born and raised in Mason, said they saw the need in their town. So, they decided to do something about it.
“I was born and raised here, and it’s an amazing town,” Williams said.
Williams and Taylor then decided to open Mason’s Medical Clinic and Cat’s Beauty Supply side by side in an area that had not been seen as a gas station for years.
“It was just my heart,” said Williams, a registered nurse. “I would do whatever I needed to do.”
The new medical center will bring family medicine professionals and mental health services to a city of 1,300 people who previously had to travel an average of 20 minutes by car to neighboring cities for treatment. This is something Taylor is eager to do.
“I will continue to strive and push to provide the community with what they need,” Taylor said.
It’s a way for Williams, who oversees the new venture’s beauty offerings, to give back to the city that made her the woman she is today.
“I’m here doing something for this community,” Williams said. “I have children here and I want them to have a legacy.”
That heritage is boldly displayed in her shop’s name, named after her and Taylor’s grandmother, Kat – who was also born and raised in Mason.
“I’m here to help this town and the community grow. It doesn’t really have much, but me and my cousin are here to make it better. The community is our job,” said Williams.
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