LINCOLN, Neb. (KOLN) – A Lincoln man’s livelihood nearly ended and how he’s on the long road to recovery.
Tyler Loomis is the owner of Custom Dreams, a party bus company in Lincoln. Over the weekend, he was working under one of the 16-ton buses when he fell on his chest.
Company driver Bob Hinton said: “The bottle jack came off and the bus went down on top of it.”
The bus was diverted back to the depot due to the night time problem. Co-workers said Loomis was looking at the problem area near the back of the bus when he collapsed on top of it. Thankfully, his brother was around to help seconds after it happened.
“They got another jack, jacked it up and took it out and started compressing the chest,” Hinton said.
EMTs arrived soon after and worked to restart his heart from the flatline that had occurred after he was crushed.
Looms is on a ventilator in the hospital with multiple cracked ribs and other complications, but is recovering very slowly, his colleagues said.
“He keeps trying to get out of bed and go. He’s someone who doesn’t sit still,” said Lisa Keller, another business driver.
The people who work at the party bus company describe themselves as a Loomis family. They describe him as not only a boss, but the father and friend of all.
“He told us that we are all the boss of our bus. If we have a problem, we take care of him and he supports us, and we know we have that backbone,” said driver Gail Schmidt.
Now, the team has only one goal and that is to see Loomis back to the bus barn on a busy night.
“I’ll be over the moon when he comes back,” Keller said. “You get that warmth when he’s around. It’s a feeling, a relief, to know you have a great leader.”
The group is working to raise money for Loomis’ hospital stay and recovery.
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