CookieLanguage brings fast foreign language learning with AI and user-generated content.
The world is getting smaller for models, but for people who work in fashion, the world is bigger and bigger.
Historically the fashion industry was based in the four fashion capitals – New York, London, Milan and Paris, but today the industry has exploded beyond these 4 cities. There are fashion weeks in Africa, China and India. Production channels now include Portugal, Brazil and Morocco. Fashion publications will add editions in Mexico, Japan and the Netherlands, which means the addition of editors from those countries. The whole of Latin America is a heavyweight fashion player when the Latin American Fashion Summit is created. In fashion—at the very least—the importance of having conversational skills in multiple languages ​​is greater than ever.
That’s why Cookie Langs, one of the world’s largest AI language learning platforms, wants people in fashion to use language as a tool to learn or simply understand their work.
Founded by Sang Choi and Adele Song, a husband and wife duo with Cambridge and Columbia backgrounds between them and a strong commitment to language and technology, they created Cookie Langs to support immigrants learning English in New York City. Since then, their platform has been adopted across a variety of fields and has become especially popular with online content creators who use CookieLangs to drive engagement, follower growth, and revenue through their entertainment-based AI language platform. Cookie Langs, a language learning technology, has teamed up with Oxford University Press to bring vocabulary learning to new audiences in a new way by using the Oxford 2000 vocabulary list in a game app.
Cookie Langs is the ultimate language learning marketplace. With the help of voice recognition, translation and pronunciation correction technologies, CookieLangs takes user-generated content (users contribute instructional videos for revenue) which AI turns into conversational video clips. It uses its eye-tracking dictionary to recommend relevant content to users, using emotion and sentiment recognition. For the latter, when a user looks at a word for more than 2 seconds, the pronunciation and meaning are displayed. Moreover, it is free of charge for users; As a marketplace, users contribute content to the platform in their native language.
“At Cookie Langs, we make fun and engagement our key features,” says Song. We do this because we know that students need extra support and motivation for difficult languages ​​to learn, or else they’ll give up.
Founders Cookie Langs, Adele Song and Sang Choi are committed to providing fashion abroad. … [+]
“The biggest clothing markets in the fashion industry are China, the US and the UK, which makes Mandarin and English the two most important languages ​​in fashion. However, Paris is also a fashion hub and you have India and Bangladesh as production hubs,” explains Choi. A level of Mandarin and French is desirable and of course fluency in English. And if you’re on a manufacturing trip abroad, having at least a basic understanding of local conversations can significantly improve business results or simply make friends.
As the platform expands and grows, not only in the user base, but in the professionals who join the team. Recently, Dr. Jeff Melendez joined Cookie Langs as a partner. He was a professor at Columbia University, New York State’s superintendent of schools, and co-founder of the ZIL Education Group. Melendez wants to introduce Cookie Lang’s Spanish learning solution to US schools and also share it with a student in Mexico and Colombia who can create the experience by uploading Spanish videos to the platform.
“Our mission is simple,” says Song. “It is to relieve the stress of studying English or any foreign language so that people can achieve profound success in their lives.”
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