MARYVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) – Downtown development is wanted and needed by business owners in Maryville.
“I feel like downtown is just starting to turn around, you know, I’m tired of seeing shuttered facades and things that aren’t pretty and I think people are kind,” said Roast owner Paula Osborne. Leave it at that.”
When Osborne opened Shop Roast nine years ago, she hoped for a downtown revival. There is free parking on Broadway Street and Ellis Avenue, and developers are planning a few more spots.
“I loved every minute of it, but it takes effort to get people down. Not much going down here. We’re excited for anything to happen that gives us a little more vibe here,” Osborne explained.
When Bluetic Tavern opened in 2013, it took over a record store that had been unused for years.
“Being in downtown Maryville is the best location in the world for this restaurant,” said Randy Burleson, owner of BlueTick, “It’s great to be in a walkable area of town.” And it’s fun to come in here and pop out on the street.
Burleson is the founder of Aubrey’s and other popular restaurant concepts in East Tennessee.
He believes that if there is more business, there is more foot traffic.
“It’s one of those races, some people think it’s a bad thing. It brings more people downtown and so everyone gets a little bit bigger piece of a bigger pie,” Burleson said.
WVLT will be speaking with city leaders next week to learn more about these businesses’ plans.
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