Of course, for most bakers, Halloween sales are lower than other holidays like Christmas and Easter, however, only the most disorganized or unmotivated baker would miss out on all the nightly hustle and bustle. .
In fact, one in 10 bakers report that their Halloween sales equal Christmas, and 10% report higher Halloween sales than Easter.
trick or treat

That being said, 80% of UK bakers plan to go with produce this year. Scary cookies (67%) top the list of spooky treats, followed by bloodcurdling cookies (43%) and spine-chilling cookies (33%).
To maximize the potential for ghostly spells, 25% of bakers start selling their Halloween range in early September, with the rest of their Halloween range appearing in October.
“It’s great to see bakers making the most of opportunities like Halloween.”said Karen Wood, CBA’s director of operations.
“Artisan bakers can create high-quality specialty products for seasonal events like Halloween that customers know are locally made and certified..
“As the Halloween holiday continues to grow in popularity for the entire retail space, I am confident that our members will continue to maximize the opportunity it brings.”.

Halloween – All Hallows’ Eve – is a holiday celebrated on October 31, which marks the day before the Western Christian feast of All Saints and begins the season of Allhallowtide, which lasts three days and ends on All Souls’ Day (1 November 1). ), was designated by Pope Gregory III as the time for celebrating All Saints.
The tradition is believed to come from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain – the end of autumn and the beginning of winter or the ‘dark-half’ of the year – where people would light bonfires and dress in costumes to drive away the souls of the dead, who are believed to roam the earth at this time.
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