Arterial disease contributes to up to half of all dementia cases. But lifestyle changes can prevent or slow the progression of this brain disease.
The most common and well-known form of dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, is characterized by memory loss, problem-solving problems, and mood or personality changes. But autopsy studies show that more than half of people with Alzheimer’s disease also have one or more other forms of dementia. Often, it is a syndrome called vascular disorders.
“Over the past 10 years, we’ve started to realize that dementia should be considered a distinct disorder of the brain,” said Dr. Anand Viswanathan, a neurologist at the Massachusetts General Stroke Service and Memory Disorders Division at Harvard Affiliate. Hospital. Although the causes of Alzheimer’s and atherosclerosis are different, there is much overlap in their symptoms, presentation and treatment, he says.
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