Published on August 25, 2022

The giveaway closes September 30th, so apply today!
Millie House, Popular Montville City Daycare, received a $15,000 Morris County Small Business Grant Program check today By personal delivery Morris County Commissioner Tom Mastrangelo And US Representative Mickey Sherrill
“This is a huge deal for us. For a small business, $15,000 can be the difference between making a payroll or not and opening our doors. We fought the epidemic. It was very challenging because it was hitting the five-year mark when it hit our area and a lot of sacrifices had to be made. I’m very happy.” “I am very grateful,” he said. Millie Enriquez, owner and operator of the center.
Joining the tour yesterday were Montville Committee Member June Witty, Town Manager June Hercek, Town Clerk Stacey Sullivan-Gruka and Don DeDio, Administrative Assistant to the town. Millie and her husband, Hector, have encouraged other businesses to apply for the grant program, which will happen. Stop accepting applications on September 30th.
“I’m surprised there’s still money left over and other businesses haven’t applied. I understood. You might not want to go through the application process, but – hey – it’s $15,000. For a small business owner, it could even be $1 million. I’m really happy, really and really grateful.” Milli added.
of Morris County Commissioners The program opened on Valentine’s Day in the city of Dover Morris County Chamber of Commerceof Morris County Economic Development Corporation. US Representative Mickey Sherrill And many other state and local officials have joined small business owners in promoting grants. The commissioners 10 million dollars decidedand designed grants to small businesses and nonprofit organizations for expenses incurred after March 3, 2021, including rent and lease payments.
“So far, about 650 small businesses have been approved for assistance. “We have $1.1 million left, but this program ends on September 30, so people have to apply,” he said. Commissioner Mastrangelo. “As a small business owner myself, I think the program was important and I think it happened Great successFrom both government and business perspective. We’ve seen a lot of startup companies and businesses come to Morris County, and we want to keep them here.
US Representative Sherrill Milley joined in on a visit to the home.
“We know it is People on the ground Like our commissioners who know best how to spend the money. in order to This is an excellent example. She said how broad federal programs can be most powerful with people on the ground who understand the district’s direct needs.
Morris County Small Business Grant Program has been a special use of federal funds given to the county. The American Savings Plan Act of 2021Designed to provide pandemic relief. A provision in the law Introduced US Representative Sherrill After Morris County and 11 other New Jersey counties failed to receive any payment of $1.1 billion in federal CARES Act funds awarded to New Jersey in 2020, it included direct aid to New Jersey counties and municipalities.
Apply now for a Morris County Small Business Grant! morriscountysmallbusinessgrant.com
There is no cost to apply.
Do you have questions?
Morris County Chamber of Commerce and Morris County Economic Development Corporation You are hosting a free and virtual networking event. Learn more about the Morris County Small Business Grant program and how to apply. will be conducted August 31, Wednesday, at 10 am
Please register.
If you have questions about the event, please send an email to:
[email protected]
or call 973-539-8270.
More on the gift program
Federal guidelines governing the grant program determine exactly which expenses are eligible for coverage and which applications are approved. The grants are capped at $15,000 per applicant. However, business owners and non-profit organizations are encouraged to submit applications that include all expenses they believe qualify for the grant, even if the total amount of a request exceeds $15,000.
A final review may determine that some costs submitted for review are not covered by program guidelines. However, by submitting all eligible expenses, applicants increase their chances of receiving the maximum grant dollars possible.
Photos in Millie’s house
Above right: Millie waving her gift check in front of her business. With her, left to right, were Montville committee member Witty, US. Representative Sherrill, Commissioner Mastrangelo, Bal Hector, City Clerk Sullivan-Gruka and City Manager June Hercek.
Center left: Commissioner Mastrangelo and U.S. Representative Sherrill discuss small business challenges with Millie.
Bottom right: Millie directs visitors to her business front. From left to right, Commissioner Mastrangelo, US Rep. Sherrill, City Assistant Dedio, City Manager Hercek and Committee Member Whitty. Behind Witty is City Clerk Sullivan-Gruka.
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