A unique program aimed at helping seniors in Vermont and upstate New York understand benefits, support care exploration, and achieve improved health outcomes.
Vermont Business Magazine MVP Healthcare and Vermont Health Network members announced the benefits of a first-of-its-kind Care Guide, which will help members better understand their condition and navigate their unique health needs. This advantage is included as a component University of Vermont Health BenefitsThe Medicare Advantage plan is a partnership between MVP and UVMHN and is the result of both organizations’ work to improve the health of the communities they serve.
First introduced earlier this year, care guides are assigned to each UVM Health Advantage member and act as a “personal concierge,” working with the physician and health plan to improve the health care experience, monitor ongoing health conditions, and ensure each. Enrollees are getting the most out of their health care benefits, and overall health and wellness support is helping.
“Often people leave the hospital with a recovery plan from their doctor, but they don’t always have the tools to follow that plan closely—this can include anything from healthy foods to safe bathrooms—which increases the chance of a return to the hospital.” UVM Health Advantage Care Guide , Didi Dalaba,” said. “As a care guide, it’s my job to reach out to our members to help them understand what resources the health plan has to support them as they navigate their recovery and health care journey.
“With input from UVM Health’s network of physicians, UVM Health Advantage offers benefits like personalized care guidelines—focused on the unique needs of residents in our state,” said University of Vermont Health President and CEO John R. Bremstedt. network. “Treating and managing chronic diseases and preventive care can be complex, especially as we age. Care guidelines help make the process easier and more personalized, with the goal of leading to better outcomes.”
A personalized approach to success
A UVM Health Advantage member’s journey begins with a personalized welcome call from their care guide to ease any disruptions in their care plan, address any questions or concerns, and ensure they understand how the plan can best be used to support their healthcare journey. Additionally, care guidelines proactively identify individuals with complex health needs who may benefit from additional support.
“When we launched UVM Health Advantage, we surveyed more than 1,100 health care consumers in Vermont and upstate New York and heard clearly that they wanted a simpler and more personalized approach to Medicare. To meet this need, we implemented Care Guide to ensure members have someone to help them better understand and navigate the health care system. .” “As partners, we are committed to continuously listening to healthcare consumers and working together to design innovative solutions to meet their needs,” said Chris Del Vecchio, president and CEO of MVP Healthcare.
“I worked with a member who was recently discharged from the hospital. He had previously lost his wife, was not eating well and was losing weight, which did not bode well for his post-hospital recovery,” Dalaba continued. “When I learned about his condition, I was able to send food and a heart failure treatment kit, which allowed the medical team at UVM Health Network to better monitor his recovery by making sure he had healthy meals. This type of coordination truly makes a difference in our members’ lives, and care guidelines for UVM Health benefit I am very proud to be.
More information about UVM Health Advantage can be found here: www.uvmhealthadvantage.com
About MVP Healthcare
MVP Health Care is a nationally recognized, not-for-profit health insurer serving clients in New York and Vermont. Committed to the complete well-being of our customers and the communities we serve, MVP makes health insurance more convenient, more helpful and more personal. For more information, visit www.mvphealthcare.comor on Facebook, Twitter, InstagramAnd LinkedIn.
About the University of Vermont Health Network
The University of Vermont Health Network is an academic health system comprised of six affiliated hospitals, a multidisciplinary medical team and a home health agency. We serve the residents of Vermont and Northern New York with a shared mission: working together to improve people’s lives. Our partners include:
8.15.2022. Burlington, Vt. – University of Vermont Health Network
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