
Chile has long been a destination for second-hand, unsold clothing from developed countries that is sold in Latin America or ends up in landfills in the desert.
The fashion industry is estimated to contribute more than two percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and is only going to get worse if big changes aren’t made.
Here are some key figures on how fashion is affecting the planet and how consumers can make a difference.
From 7 to 10
According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the average number of times a piece of clothing is worn before it wears out.
If we are to meet the 1.5 degree Celsius global warming limit set by the United Nations, the maximum number of new appliances we will buy each year, according to the Hot or Cool Institute think tank.
Around 30 percent
Percentage of donated clothing that ends up in landfills or incinerators overseas, based on Hot or Cool. They can also undercut local sellers if they flood the market.
1 second
According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, a lorry load of clothing is burned or buried in a landfill every second.
100 billion
Number of new items of clothing produced each year under the Clean Clothes Campaign.
1 percent
According to the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), less than one percent of the material used to make clothing is recycled.
Many fast fashion companies claim that they can recycle old clothes into new ones, but the reality is that the quality of the fabric is not suitable for making most of the clothes that are sold.
30 degrees Celsius
The recommended temperature at which clothes should be washed to increase their lifespan.
On average, the richest 20 percent of the world’s population consumes 20 times more fashion than the poorest 20 percent, according to Hot or Cool.
This year, France will issue a decree mandating that every piece of clothing sold in the country carries an accurate climate impact label. The European Union is expected to follow suit.
8 times
The second-hand clothing market is growing eight times faster than the overall clothing market, according to online consignment store thredUP.
The Ellen MacArthur Foundation estimates that clothing production has doubled in the past 15 years, but we’ve used 40 percent less of these clothes in that same period.
40 percent
Percentage of global consumers born between 1997 and 2012 who belong to Gen-Z – according to McKinsey & Company. Gen-Z is part of the problem and part of the solution when it comes to fast fashion: they make up the majority of consumers, but they’re also calling for sustainable fashion.
© 2023 AFP
QuoteOur Bad Fashion Habits—And How We Can Change Them—(2023, January 19) Retrieved January 19, 2023, from https://phys.org/news/2023-01-bad-fashion-habitsand-themin.html.
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