This fall, there’s something for everyone, whether it’s from Hedi Slimane at Céline or the 80’s power shoulders that Cyndi Lauper loved from Hedi Slimane at Céline or a ripped leather coat from Dolce & Gabbana with a beautifully cropped hemline from Chanel tweed skirt – as powerful as day or night. It’s back, complete with matching bag – and Miu Miu’s sweet ultra mini that would put a library to shame. The stacks. In one of their most sought-after collaborations with adidas, Louis Vuitton and Gucci have gone head-to-head for energy and sports-inspired styles. One of the most popular shoes this fall is the Mary-Jane grown up, and none more so than Bottega Veneta’s version. And if that sounds like too many heels to rock in, a classic sneaker like the Nike Air Jordan is the perfect pairing for another classic: a Dior suit.
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