Nancy Santos Gainer, spokesperson, West Chester University.
William Schaffner, MD, Professor of Infectious Diseases, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville.
Amesh Adalja, MD, infectious disease specialist, senior fellow, Johns Hopkins Health Center, Baltimore.
Lena Wen, MD, Emergency Physician, Professor of Public Health Policy, George Washington University, Washington, DC.
Shilpa Bakre, spokesperson, University of Texas.
Georgetown University: “Public Health Alert: A Hypothetical Case of Monkey Disease.”
Bucknell University: “Monkey Disease Information.”
The hillMonkey disease discovered on George Washington campus.
The GW Hatchet“First Monkey Disease Diagnosed in GW Community.”
STAT: “As Monkey Disease Spreads, University Campuses Prepare for Another Pandemic.”
University of North Florida: “Monkey Disease.”
Northwestern University: “Monkey Disease Information: Planning Our Approach to Preparedness and Prevention.”
Cornell University: “Monkey Disease: What You Need to Know.
Heather Harper, spokeswoman for the University of California.
CDC: “2022 U.S. Map and Case Counts,” “To Reduce the Transmission of Simian Disease in Crowded Living Settings.”
Chicago Tribune“Colleges, universities in Illinois begin monkeypox preparations as students return this month.”
CNN: “Colleges Focus on Teaching Students to Prepare for Monkey Disease Outbreak.”
Community Impact Newsletter“UT Austin Responds to First Confirmed Case of Monkey Disease on Campus.”
The Philadelphia Inquirer: “West Chester student diagnosed with monkeypox.”
Higher Ed Dive“Here’s what colleges need to know to prepare for pandemic.”
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