Portland Whole Health Education live educational event
Wednesday October 19, 2022, 11:00 am to 1:00 pm ET
Whole Health is VA’s approach to care that supports the health and well-being of veterans and focuses on the veterans, not the veterans. This process involves getting to know veterans on a personal level so that their health team can develop a personalized health plan based on their values, needs and goals.
Whole Health puts veterans in control of their care. It focuses on self-care, skill building and support. These services are not based on diagnosis or disease, but support each veteran’s personal health plan. There are approaches such as stress reduction, yoga, tai chi, mindfulness, nutrition, acupuncture and health coaching.
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Explore the Wheel of Health with experiential activities and explore information and resources provided by the VA Maine Healthcare system. Attention Maine Veterans: You are invited to explore the many components of holistic health care for you while learning about the holistic health care model and services available to veterans in the VA Maine healthcare system, and join with your fellow veterans and VA staff to explore your concerns. .
This event adheres to current national CDC and Geriatric Heath Management Outbreak Response Guidelines.
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