NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) – A business that hasn’t yet opened in East Nashville is already facing bankruptcy.
The owners said stones were thrown through the windows of their building and they are now working to prevent this from happening again.
The new salon was getting ready to open on Gallatin Pike and now more than three windows are broken, but the owners are not only worried about the damage, they are wondering what they can do to solve the crime issues.
“I found rocks and broken windows everywhere,” said salon owner Remi Joffrey.
The building was demolished Tuesday night after Joffrey and his wife spent months renovating it.
“It’s been a huge hit, every nickel and dime has cost us,” Joffrey said.
Some of the rocks landed on some equipment, and Joffrey said the repair would cost about $600.
“It’s a little frustrating when there are so many other things that are broken,” Joffrey said.
Joffrey said he installed the cameras to deter vandals, but the issue needs to be fixed.
“We need to clean up the roads so that we don’t get to a pile of trash where someone can say, ‘Yeah, I’m going to throw a rock,’ and I think that’s the best way to fight that,” Joffray.
Joffrey said his salon offers free barbers to the homeless, free showers in the back of their building, and fundraising opportunities.
“Whether it’s homelessness or mental health job opportunities, we really need to address these things,” Joffrey said.
While working to repair windows, the business owners said they are looking for additional ways to help prevent crime.
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