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Lounging by the beach in a bikini and a linen cover-up is obviously fun, but the styling opportunities that come with fall are arguably even more exciting. Think of the awesome coat and sweater and skirt combos that simply won’t work when it’s 90+ degrees out. And thanks to Amazon, the best fall clothes can be yours as summer approaches and you start preparing your cold weather outfits.
What styles stand out for the upcoming season? “Head-to-toe skin looks, as well as classic pieces like casual-cool tanks and oversized jackets and shirts, were seen in action every fall 2022,” says stylist Tyler Minor. “Browns made with rhinestones, sequins or sequins have been popular with designers and are comfortable to wear for anyone who likes high-fashion moments.”
On the accessories front, co-stylist Timothy Cheryaev says emerald-colored jewels and wide, menswear-inspired ties à la Louis Vuitton and Ralph Lauren are also having a moment. To replicate the latter look, Cherneyev recommends wearing a colorful tie under a leather jacket for day wear, or a white silk tie under a tuxedo jacket for a night out — all of which, yes, can be found on Amazon.
From fall staples to the season’s most sought-after looks, we’ve rounded up our favorite fall fashion finds to shop now on Amazon.
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