A Minneapolis woman is on a mission to address health disparities
In the year In 2014, a local computer engineer decided to pursue her passion for fitness. Today, Valerie Fleurantin runs her own business. It is a one woman operation and she is working to make an impact on the society in one step.
Minneapolis (FOX 9) – In the year In 2014, a local computer engineer decided to pursue her passion for fitness. Today Valery runs Florentine Her own business. It is a one woman operation and she is working to make an impact on the society in one step.
Today, Fleurantin goes by the name Coach Val. A few years ago she created Afrokaribe. It’s a dance performance with a mix of reggae, afrobeats and hip-hop.
“I needed something with some drums to celebrate my culture,” says Fleurantin.
What started as five episodes has grown to dozens.
“I’m the one serving, so I wanted to make exercise fun. Something you don’t have to think about. It’s like I’m here to dance. And you’re safe while you’re doing it,” says Fleurantin.
Her classes attract women from all backgrounds.
“You see kids in my room from 4 years old to my older moms’ room. One of my oldest is 80,” says Fleurantin.
Her classes take participants to locations in downtown Minneapolis and the city’s north side. “It’s just about making a big impact on existing health disparities. For me, it’s about removing barriers and making a real dent in health disparities in our community,” Fleurantin.
Minnesota is one of the healthiest states in the country, but it has some of the largest health disparities in the country. Flurantin “Exercise is good for depression, anxiety, stress, all the things that plague our society. Better sleep, self-confidence.”
Coach Val is taking her message to the streets.
She teaches free/grant-based classes several times a month. She believes participants have a lot to gain. “I want them to love themselves first. And then I say you know, I hope you’re seen, I hope you’re heard and I hope you’re loved, and I hope you have a good time and that’s what I want them to go with,” says Fleurantin.
Fleurantin said he hopes to one day open a fitness studio and a training program for instructors. Click the link below for more information about her course.
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