In the technology sector, certifications can greatly enhance a career. Or they could hurt a career. The difference lies in the type of certification a technologist gets. If it’s the wrong type, it can damage a professional’s personal brand and make it harder to get hired for high-paying jobs.
Follow the technological proofs that convey deep understanding
A common mistake tech professionals make is getting multiple partner-level certifications. While they do this to convey that they are certified in a variety of professions, it also demonstrates to an employer that the candidate is only “ready” to do the job.
Think of it as the equivalent of graduating from kindergarten with multiple associate’s degree certifications, which is what you need to do when you graduate from college. In comparison, professional level certifications and professional level certifications mean more to employers. They say that you are ready to do the job and that you will do it well.
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For example, a Cisco Certified Internet Professional (CCIE) exam is enough in itself to qualify one for a high paying tech job. The CCIE exam is tough, requiring a large amount of study and a deep understanding of the subject to pass. It’s a general certification, not the shallow certification you get by passing the associate-level certification exam.
Certifications such as Cisco Certified Networking Professional (CCNP), AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional, Google Professional Cloud Architect, and Azure Solutions Architect Expert are worth 10 associate level certifications. Those looking to advance their careers through certification should go deeper than narrower.
Follow technology certifications that are focused on your work
Another mistake that technologists make in the verification field is not focusing on their specific work. Too many professionals pursue certifications related to someone else’s work.
The solution architect must be obtaining solution architect certifications. A DevOps Engineer should be available. DevOps certifications. A systems administration professional must be obtaining SysOps certifications. From coding, databases, to Alexa and more, there are endless certifications available. The right certification – the one that elevates your career – is related to your work. Getting a cloud architect certification in coding doesn’t help because an architect’s job is to design, deliver, and sell.
Use technology certifications to get executive-level positions
As technologists pursue different certifications rather than focusing on their professional area, they create a personal brand that identifies them as technical. A better course is to focus on your credentials and define yourself as a technology professional who can perform at an executive level.
If you want to grow your tech career, it’s important to look like an executive. You should be 20% technologist and 80% executive. In addition to demonstrating that you have the relevant technology certifications and technical expertise to design an end-to-end solution, you must demonstrate that you have. Business skillsleadership skills, communication skills and executive presence.
Related: Top 2022 IT certifications to boost your career
It’s easy to think that getting more certifications will make you more money. The opposite may be true. Having a broad range of certifications that aren’t specific to your area of interest can make it difficult to get hired for high-paying jobs. It positions you as a technologist rather than an executive with relevant technology skills.
For example, an enterprise architect is a director-level or VP-level position. If you develop a tech professional brand instead of an executive brand, you won’t be seen as someone who has the executive skills needed for the job. If you’re hired for a position, you’ll earn less than someone who builds an executive brand.
Search for certificates on demand
Each year, CIO Magazine publishes the Technology certifications He believes that it will be very useful in the future. The magazine is read by CIOs, VPs of IT, IT directors and hiring managers. When it comes to hiring technology professionals, they are the most influential people in any organization. Those looking to acquire certifications that will advance their careers should pay attention to that detail.
CIO Magazine recommends certifications that employers are looking for now. Hiring groups are focused on those certifications because they match the skills that are in demand now. Ultimately, getting a job is about your qualifications — not your credentials — but knowing what credentials are most sought after by employers can help you get their attention.
Your goal should be to make certificates work for you, not for you. Look for deep certifications rather than associate-level certifications. Get certifications that will help you in your career, not someone else’s. Build a brand that shows you’re a competent, professional, executive-focused, not just a techie who’s passed tons of tests.
About the author
Michael Gibbs He is the CEO. Go to cloud jobsA global organization providing training for advanced cloud computing skills. Go Cloud Careers is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their dream tech careers by getting hired. Michael has 25 years of experience in network, cloud computing and IT security.
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