Wednesday, August 17
Berks LaunchBox presents “First Steps to Building a Beginner’s Website” from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., almost exclusively with Zoom. Join this beginner class to learn: researching competitors and organizations serving similar audiences; Communicate three important things at the top of your home page; Choosing the main goal for your website and driving people to achieve it; Creating short, useful copy and how your site can help you get potential customers; Tips for taking your own photos/where to find free photos and graphics; researching and registering your domain name(s); Building your website yourself and hiring someone to do it for you. For more information, email BK-InnovationHub@psu.edu Registration: https://psu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUld–ppjMtGdQ5jGaLf7mT_mjcXHN9wux4
Thursday, August 18
Berks Alliance Community Development will focus on Berks Nature and Nature Space from 12 to 1 p.m. through Zoom. Berks Nature is the primary agency for environmental protection and conservation in Berks County. They are stewards of over 10,000 acres of conservation land, and own another 1,000 acres and manage 27 miles of trails in the region. Berk Nature also offers a variety of educational opportunities. Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIsf-qppjojGtbN-bHvlKUrXYeVhc4XqXpM. If this meeting is free to the public.
Wednesday, August 24
The Manufacturers Resource Center will host a featured webinar, “Reducing Your Energy Costs,” from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Business owners/decision makers will not only be informed about the current and future state of the energy market, but will also be updated on some of the issues they have already looked at. A business owner of any size will find the information informative, but the approach may provide more practical content for larger companies. For full description and to register: www.mrcpa.org/events. Contact: Diane Lewis at diane.lewis@mrcpa.org or 610-628-4578. Cost: Complementary, no cost.
Wednesday, August 31st
Small Business Association Networking MINGLE at B2 Bistro, 710 Reading Ave., Reading, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Registration: https://www.sbrassociation.com/register-b2-bistro. SBRA MINGLES offers a unique opportunity to network with other small business owners. This event is free for members, $25 at the door for non-members.
Monday, September 12
The Tricounty Area Chamber of Commerce will host its annual “Chamber Golf Outing and Clambake” from 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Hickory Valley Golf Club, 1921 Ludwig Road, Gilbertsville. Registration begins at 10:30 a.m. with a networking lunch, followed by a shootout at noon, followed by a clambake dinner from Moyer’s Restaurant. Ticket purchases for singles or foursomes include: 18 holes of golf, golf cart, free use of driving range, networking lunch, clambake dinner, recreation and goody bag. Registration is required for this member only event: https://tricountyareachamber.chambermaster.com/eventregistration/register/857745. Cost: $200 per member golfer; $750 per member four of four; $50 for dinner only. Rain date is Monday September 26th.
Every second Tuesday
The Berks County Chapter of SHRM will meet from 7:30 to 9:00 a.m. The meeting will include a presentation on a relevant HR topic. Visit www.berkspa.shrm.org for details.
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