MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) – Ore Dock Brewing Co. has launched the Marquette Area Blues Fest.
TV6 and FOX UP commercial after hours launch with the help of Lake Superior Community Partnership. The event was a casual gathering of Marquette County and UP business people.
Includes food, drink, raffle prizes and a live performance by the Flat Brook Blues Band. Walt Lindala, a member of the Flat Brook Blues Band and director of the Marquette Area Blues Fest, explained why the band performed at the event.
“We’re excited to be here for another year because this event kicks off the entire Blues weekend in Marquette,” Lindala said. “We’re going to do our thing and play music.”
Lindala encouraged everyone to check out Blues Fest.
“These are musicians who have dedicated their lives to people, but they’ve lost two years to Covid,” Lindala explained. “It means a lot when people come down, support the bands, buy merchandise and come out to the show. These are performers from around the country and across the city, so don’t miss it.”
The Blues Fest takes place at Market Matson’s Lower Harbor Park from Friday to Sunday. Friday’s event is free. Weekend tickets are $60 in advance and $70 at the door.
To purchase tickets in advance, visit the Marquette Area Blues Society website by clicking here.
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