BROOKFIELD — Township officials are preparing for the demolition of the former John Schuster’s Steak House building off Brookfield Avenue in Masury.
Code enforcement officer Pete Ross told township trustees at their meeting Monday the building will be demolished in mid-September.
Trustee Chairman Dan Suttles said the Trumbull County Land Bank owned the property. He said asbestos was found inside the building and had to be addressed before proceeding with the demolition. The cost for asbestos remediation work was $100,000 and will be covered by the land bank and the county commissioners with American Rescue Plan funds.
Suttles said the property has been vacant for years.
In recent years, the township has had help from the Trumbull County Council of Governments in covering costs for demolition, including the Gray Wolf Tavern. Suttles said this project is through the land bank.
In other business, in order to improve safety by the township administration building, trustees approved seeking quotes for installation of parking lot lights for the front and side of the building. Suttles said officials want to add to the current lighting to make the area brighter. He said there were a few lights not working.
Suttles said police Chief Dan Faustino will seek quotes and apply for funding for the project.
Trustees also approved proceeding with the sale of two small township-owned parcels, one located on Davis Street and the other on Syme Street. Suttles said bids are being sought and will be opened at 4 pm Sept. 23.
Suttles said there are deed restrictions on the property, such as certain manufacturing and the storage of vehicles will not be allowed. Suttles said trustees wanted to make sure that the properties did not turn into eyesores.
Also at the meeting, trustees heard from a representative of Brookfield schools about high school students interested in doing community volunteer projects in the township.
Suttles said in past years, students have helped with raking leaves and snow removal. He said the township and school officials will review different project ideas.
Trustees are also looking at three projects for which to use American Rescue Plan funds. Suttles said the ARP proposed projects include refurbishing playground equipment and upgrades to the park at $45,000; railing and other work on the gazebo at center green at $10,000; and landscaping and mulching at the center green at $7,000.
In other actions, trustees:
• Scheduled a special meeting for 6 pm Sept. 14 at the park for public input on possible park improvements;
• Hired Prime Electric at $3,094 to repair electricity at the firehouse substation off Addison Road;
• Approved LED parking lot light replacement at the police station.
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