HealthEU is a broad-based effort to connect students, faculty and staff with essential resources to support their health and well-being.
Elon University has started a new academic year. HealthEUA comprehensive effort to support the health and safety of students, faculty and staff.

HealthEU provides resources, educational tools and support for all members of the university community to develop personal wellbeing values that they can rely on long after they leave university. The effort is a strong website www.elon.edu/healtheu It continues to be updated with new resources and helps connect students, faculty and staff with health and safety opportunities.
“Personal and community health and safety are increasingly important to all members of the university community, and Elon can be a leader in helping people stay safe, healthy and fulfilled,” said John Dooley, vice president for student life. . “HealthEU is designed to connect students, faculty, and staff with the extensive resources Elon currently has and will continue to build upon in the coming years. It is a comprehensive effort that fosters education, communication and participation.
HealthEU was founded by Elon. Boldy Elon’s 10-year strategic planStarted in Spring 2020, included in A rich theme of the planThe HealthEU initiative was developed by Elon serving as a national model for programs, research and dialogue that promote resilience, membership and personal well-being across the lifespan.
The first job that led to the launch of HealthEU was Boldly before Elon. Elon has initiated a renewed focus on health and wellness, beginning with the Presidential Task Force on Social Climate and Extracurricular Engagement, followed by the Student Safety and Security Task Force and the JD Campus Project.
Those efforts are reflected in the six HealthEU dimensions of the well-being of the whole person. The six dimensions are:
- Community safety
- Emotional security
- Financial security
- Physical security
- Objective security
- Social welfare

HealthEU makes progress “Act-Belong-Commit” framework Which promotes positive physical and mental health The university was accepted in 2019. The ABC model encourages people to be active, to seek a sense of belonging, and to work towards a goal to promote happiness and good mental health.
A “for you, for us, for our community” model, HealthEU includes a visual identity to help students, faculty and staff identify ways to use its resources. Central to that identity is the lotus flower, which is a symbol of endurance in many cultures. The lotus roots are underwater, the stem rises through the mud to bloom above the surface of the water.
The new HealthEU website is a convenient tool to connect with the different offerings under the HealthEU umbrella. Each dimension has its own searchable database of various initiatives, events and educational resources to help students, faculty and staff improve their health and well-being in that area.
The website also includes Latest news and updates In the area of health and safety in the university as well as a list in the near future HealthEU events.
A new thing this year is the extension and expansion of the university’s partnership. Current care, support students from anywhere in the United States, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Students have responded overwhelmingly positively to the TimelyCare pilot offering, with more than 1,000 Elon students receiving services in the 2021-22 school year.
New services offered this year include scheduled counseling, health coaching, group sessions and access to psychiatric services. These services are provided in addition to in-person services provided by the University’s Counseling and Student Health Services at no user fee. Students can learn more about TimelyCare and create a free account. over here.
The HealthEU initiative will continue to grow in the coming years as Elon achieves many of the goals outlined in the bold Elon Thrive theme. The university is moving forward with plans for an expanded community safety, recreation and health center in the heart of campus, which will include construction of a new facility.
Supporting HeathEU’s efforts are Councilors on Health and Safety:
- Ginette archinalMedical Director of Student Health Services and University Physician
- Ann BullockDr. Joe Watts Williams School Dean, Professor of Education and Director of Teacher Education
- Stacey DollyAssistant Dean for Career and Student Development, Elon Law
- Marcus Elliott.Odyssey Program Director
- Jenny GonzalezInterior designer
- Anita HodnettDirector of Counseling Services
- Kathy HarrisonFaculty/Staff Health and Safety Clinic Manager
- Renee JacksonAssociate Director of Career Services for Graduate School Programs and Director of the PACE Program
- Carolyn KetchamProfessor of Exercise Science
- Susan KirklandAssociate Vice President of Finance and Administration
- Daniel LakeDirector and Associate Professor of Design Thinking
- Larry MellingerDirector of Campus Recreation and Safety
- Paul MillerAssociate Provost for Academic Excellence and Operations and Professor of Exercise Science
- Sylvia MunozAssistant Dean of Students and Director of the Center for Racial, Ethnic and Diversity Studies
- Melissa MurphyAssociate Professor, Research Coordinator and Director of Curriculum and Instruction for the Physician Assistant Studies Program, Director of Educational Strategies for the School of Health Sciences.
- Roselee Papandrea TaylorAssistant Director of University Communications Affairs for Admissions Relations
- Jana Lynn PattersonAssociate Vice President of Student Life, Dean of Students and Assistant Professor
- Brandy ProvostDirector of Elon 1010 and Assistant Director of Academic Advising
- Kelly ShumanVice President of Human Resources and Chief Human Resources Officer
- Jeff Steinvice president for strategic initiatives and assistant professor of English
- Amanda TaplerSenior Lecturer in Public Health Studies
- Joshua TillotsonCaptain, Campus Security and Police
- Paul TongsriDirector of Student Care and Outreach
- Charlotte WilliamsAssociate Director of Campus Recreation and Safety for Student Safety
- Kathy ZigaInterim Director of Academic Advising
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