The Venture Center, in partnership with the Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce, has announced the fifth Spark! A group of leaders representing seven Arkansas-based small businesses.
The 10-week accelerator helps founders scale their companies through sales, marketing and business finance curriculum and connections with mentors.
Companies Selected for 2022 Fall Spark! The groups are as follows
“Each founder participating in this fifth cohort has a vision for the future of their business,” said Pamela Reed, managing director of Community Programs at the Venture Center. “They’ve worked hard to get to where they are today, and we’re excited to leverage our network of partners and supporters to provide these entrepreneurs with the resources they need to grow and succeed.”
Fall 2022 Flash! Team welcomes businesses that have been operating for more than two years and need technical support to grow. Selected businesses offer a variety of services, including mental health care, travel consulting, software for builders and contractors, and more.
The program started last week and will last for 10 weeks and will end on December 7.
Near the end of the program, Spark! Participants will pitch their businesses to a crowd at PitchNPint, Nov. 30 at the Robinson Theater in Little Rock.
“We continue to be amazed by local small business leaders who are committed to learning and growing, and this year’s group is no different,” said Little Rock Regional Chamber President Jay Cheshire. The future of Little Rock holds great promise for small businesses and we are excited to support the growth of these seven exceptional entrepreneurs.
Other benefits of Spark! Include media exposure, mentorship, workshops, access to Venture Center co-working space, and inclusion in the growing Spark! Alumni Network.
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