
Learning loss, disengagement, anxiety and depression are on the rise among young people, and our schools need a deep overhaul to address this before the next school year begins. The latest New York Times A survey of 362 school counselors found that the lack of social-emotional learning skills linked to the pandemic continues to undermine students’ well-being. Continued Covid-19 disruption and a High number of school shootings They increase the stress levels significantly. Solutions are needed before the window of opportunity closes for this growing mental health emergency.
I believe we can start by giving more children an equal chance to play – a concept called fair play. It’s about who does and doesn’t have opportunities to participate in physical activity. All young people deserve access to recess, unstructured playtime, team and individual sports. As a mom, athlete, and professional, I know full well that it is one of the most underutilized and available solutions in the youth sports world. Sports help children academically as a vital outlet for stress and for building positive relationships, managing behavior and building self-esteem.
Unfortunately, the level playing field has only widened since 2020. They hit our most vulnerable communities hardest – those with long-standing injustices, disproportionately affected by Covid. Where I’m from, in Los Angeles County, 50% of young people say they’ve been less active since the epidemic began. New data shows that as household income increases, so does activity level. Children from homes with incomes below $35,000 a year play significantly less because they lack the resources they need to be active and healthy. This is not a personal failure. It is systemic injustice. Our facilities do not provide quality opportunities for all young people to play.
This is not about talent or training. It’s about access, opportunity, teamwork and mentorship. Many public schools have unfunded sports programs, and most offer physical education a few days a week. This reinforces a youth sports culture that has few free and low-cost opportunities when they are needed most. In my own industry, I’ve seen time and time again how this plays out in disadvantaged communities and communities of color. That’s why I love the LA84 Foundation and my work Play Equity FundSupports youth sports and play programs to ensure every child benefits from essential and sometimes life-saving physical activity.
But for me, it’s more than just a need. It’s personal. Shortly before covid started, my son was diagnosed with learning disabilities and was struggling academically. We were taken to a private school with more resources; His therapist suggested that team sports would help. Even in one of the best public schools in our district, they had a PE teacher three days a week and no after school sports programs. But at his new school he has daily PE and access to various team sports. The immediate improvement in his self-esteem, grades and physical health was incredible. It confirmed what I already knew: exercise and play benefits everyone and can’t just be for the privileged few.
Understandably, post-pandemic funding has largely focused on the impact of educational attrition. I get it, our kids have to catch it. But it was more than academics who were affected. It’s not just sports Increase emotional and social well-beingBut they keep kids engaged in school. According to a recent study, 60% of children in sports were attending school while playing sports. They tried harder and participated more in academics. Growing up in LA, I went to classes because I could play basketball and tennis. Although I had good teachers and was a decent student, without the confidence and positive social relationships I developed with my teammates, I would not have been as successful academically.
The research is clear: students are struggling, and understaffed teachers are being asked to do more. According to Meredith Wheatley, the Report of the President’s CouncilThere are 1.2 million mental health professionals in the US and a largely untapped 6.5 million youth coaches available to help our youth. But they need more resources, including funding and training, and we need them in every school, for every age group. Parents, teachers and staff must build a fair play movement and demand more sports programs with before, during and after school options – for all students, regardless of ability, location and socio-economic background. This movement should start at the community level.
We need a more inclusive youth sports system that includes locally driven programs that focus on what young people really want and need.
Don’t know where to start? Find similar organizations Project game, The combination of PLAYor the Play equity funds.. We can connect you with organizations in your area. The road to rebuilding the emotional and social well-being of this generation starts at your local field and playground, so our children need us all to speak up for greater access and support for school and community sports.
Renata Simril He is the president and CEO LA84 FoundationA non-profit organization that creates sporting opportunities for all children and promotes the importance of sport in positive youth development.
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