The screenshot that shows the overpriced outfits was shared by Twitter user Arshad Wahid. It shows ordinary grandpa shorts sold for ₹15,000 and has left netizens in disbelief.
Do you remember the Sabyasachi and H&M collaboration where a normal saree was priced at a whopping ₹9,999? It had netizens fuming — and rightly so. Turns out, that it is not the only ordinary clothing item that is overpriced. A pair of shorts that you probably have seen your dad or grandpa wearing casually at home is being sold for a whopping ₹15,450 by a fashion brand. Not just this, but there is another outfit priced at ₹11,450.
The image that shows the overpriced outfits accompanies a caption, “Why is this pattapatti trouser 15k?” The post showcasing the price of the average clothing items has left netizens in disbelief.
A Twitter user Arshad Wahid shared the screenshot. It shows the clothing items listed by a brand called Kobe. The image shows a checkered print outfit on the left, and on the right is a pair of shorts with thick blue and green stripes having a red outline.
Take a look at the tweet below:
Since being shared a day ago, the tweet has received over 700 likes. The share has also received a flurry of comments.
“Do sane people buy this?” posted an individual. “It’s not a trouser,” commented another. “Artisinal. Eco-friendly. Hand woven. Hand stitched,” pointed a third.
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