A health advisory has been issued for Ben T. Davis Beach due to high bacteria levels. This wash should be considered public and potential danger Swimming is not recommended. Samples taken were above the threshold for enterococci bacteria. The beach will be sampled again in a week.
A bacterial health advisory is raised when resampling indicates the water is in the satisfactory range.
Health advice about high bacteria levels
Coastal action is advised when the value is 70.5 or higher. This was developed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The Florida Department of Health in Hillsborough County has been monitoring beach water quality biweekly at nine sites since August 2000 and weekly since August 5, 2002 through the Healthy Beaches Monitoring Program.
The water samples are being analyzed for enterococci, which live in the intestines of humans and animals, and can cause human disease, infection or rashes. The presence of intestinal bacteria indicates faecal contamination, which can come from storm water, domestic animals and wildlife, and human sewage. The purpose of the Healthy Coasts Monitoring Program is to determine if Florida has a serious coastal water quality problem.
Please visit Florida Department of Health Coastal Water Quality website. Click on a county name to review coastal water sampling results for reporting counties.
About the Florida Department of Health
Department, nationally at Public Health Accreditation BoardIt works through state, county and community efforts to protect, promote and improve the health of all people in Florida.
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