Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines Health in All Policies as “a collaborative approach that integrates and articulates health considerations into policymaking across sectors to improve the health of all communities and people.”
For more information on Health in All Policies, visit the weblinks in the Resources section below.
2022 Health in All Policies Summit: Collaborations for Better Health
In the Davidson County-Nashville area, Health in All Policies initiatives are within the Metro Government departments. Many community partners are involved in collaborative work under different “umbrellas” and structures, which creates an extensive opportunity to share experiences and strategies to support better health outcomes for all people in Nashville. Considering this, the Metro Public Health Department leadership team and the Board of Health proposed the expansion of Health in All Policies efforts city-wide. This effort will systematically and explicitly consider the health implications of decisions made, target critical social determinants of health, and identify synergies between health, other core objectives, and the work we do with partners.
On September 9, 2022, the Metro Public Health Department will host its first Healthy Nashville 2022 Health in All Policies Summit at the Downtown Nashville Library in Nashville, Tennessee. The free, full-day event, beginning at 9 a.m., will welcome approximately two hundred (200) attendees from all sectors in Nashville, including government, non-governmental organizations, for-profit businesses, nonprofits or NGOs, community-based organizations, and academia.
With the title, “Collaborations for Better Health,” the event will serve as an introductory level-setting opportunity to expand the Health in All Policies initiatives city-wide to inspire action towards strengthening current collaborations and establishing new partnerships across sectors to improve the health of all people in Nashville.
- Develop an understanding of Health in All Policies as a collaborative approach to improving the health of all people in Nashville, focusing on root causes of social determinants and equity in decision-making.
- Identify strategies and tools to embed health and equity into cross-sector decisions.
- Inspire action in establishing and strengthening partnerships across sectors to improve the health of all people in Nashville.
Registration and Networking
Announcements: Bryan Heckman
Welcome: Gill Wright
Setting the Stage for Health in All Policies in Nashville: Julia Caplan
Understanding Decision Support Tools: Jimmy Dills
Stretch Break
Assets Around Us: Lessons Learned: Panel presentations
- John Vick: Livability Collaborative
- Raquel de la Huerga: Health Lens Pilot
- Meg Morgan: Root Nashville Campaign
- T Gonzales: Louisville Center for Health Equity
- Melody Gibson: Civic Design Center
Lunch break
Strength in Collaborations: Breakout sessions
Stretch Break
Call to Action: Allysceaeioun Britt
Closing remarks: Bryan Heckman
Are you interested in learning more about Health in All Policies and strategies to improve health of all people in Nashville?
Register for the 2022 Summit on Eventbrite.
Speakers and Presenters
Bryan Heckman, PHD
Director, Center for the Study of Social Determinants of Health at Meharry Medical College
Gill C. Wright, III, MD, MMM, FAAFP

Director of Health, Metro Public Health Department
Dr. Wright received his Bachelor and Medical Degree from the University of Nebraska. He did his first year of Family Practice Residency in Cheyenne, WY and finished his last 2 years at the University of Kansas. He received his Master’s in Medical Management from Carnegie-Mellon University.
Dr. Wright started his career in rural Nebraska where he spent 8 years as one of two physicians in a town with a population of 1700. He did Family Medicine that included OB with C-sections and preformed minor surgery.
Dr. Wright moved to Nashville in 2014 where he was the Medical Director of the Metro Nashville IOD clinic for 3+ years prior to moving to the Metro Nashville Health Department as the Associate Medical Director, Clinical Services and Civil Service Medical Examiner (CSME).
Dr. Wright has served as MPHD’s lead for COVID response since February 2020, served as the Interim Chief Medical Director of Health since December 2020, and was appointed Director of Health September 2021.
Julia Caplan

Executive Director, State of Equity (a program of the Public Health Institute)
Julia Caplan is the Executive Director of State of Equity (a program of the Public Health Institute). State of Equity transforms public institutions to advance racial equity and health through capacity building, government accountability, and community partnerships. Over the last 12 years, Ms. Caplan has played a lead role in building the California Health in All Policies Task Force from the ground up, in partnership with the California Strategic Growth Council and Department of Public Health. In 2018, she and her team joined with government and non-governmental partners to launch the Capitol Collaborative on Race & Equity (CCORE), the country’s first state-level multi-sectoral racial equity capacity building cohort, in partnership with the Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE). Through these projects she and her team have supported over 50 state departments, agencies, offices, and commissions to integrate health and racial equity into their programs, practices, and policies. Ms. Caplan also provides Health in All Policies workshops for local governments and local health departments and co-authored Health in All Policies: A Guide for State and Local Governments in 2013. Ms. Caplan has over twenty-five years’ experience in community building, social change, and public policy leadership, and holds masters’ degrees in public policy and public health from the University of California, Berkeley. Ms. Caplan lives in Oakland, California with her wife, daughter, and their “pandemic-pup” Rocket, and is an occasional accordion player in her free time.
Jimmy Dills

Senior Research Associate, Georgia Health Policy Center
Jimmy Dills is a senior research associate at the Georgia Health Policy Center (GHPC). He works to improve public health by advancing a Health in All Policies perspective of decision-making. His areas of expertise are systems thinking, health impact assessment (HIA), and healthy community design.
At GHPC, Dills leads several maternal and child health (MCH) projects, including management of GHPC contributions to the National MCH Workforce Development Center, the National Maternal Health Learning and Innovation Center, and the Maternal Telehealth Access Project. He also leads work on several HIA projects and the provision of training and technical assistance to local, state, and national partners related to Health in All Policies. Recently, his projects have focused on integrating health into affordable housing policies and practice, providing technical assistance to HIA teams in Kentucky and Mississippi, and supporting CDC’s Policy Implementation Lab aimed at increasing uptake of the Earned Income Tax Credit as an approach to population health improvement. He also supports GHPC’s work with Georgia’s Multi-Stakeholder Opioid and Substance Use Response Plan, led by the state Department of Public Health, and is a technical assistance provider for Georgia Shape grantees implementing nutrition and physical activity strategies in schools across the state.
Dills serves on the steering committees for the Society of Practitioners of Health Impact Assessment and the Georgia Healthy Homes Coalition. He is also a frequent guest lecturer on built environment and health topics at Emory’s Rollins School of Public Health and Georgia Tech’s School of City and Regional Planning.
John Vick, Ph.D.

Director, Office of Primary Prevention at Tennessee Department of Health
John Vick is an applied researcher, strategist, and educator working to address the social and environmental factors that impact our health. His work is interdisciplinary and collaborative, reaching across sectors to develop and leverage partnerships with government agencies, universities, non-profits, and community groups. John holds a Ph.D. in Community Research and Action from Vanderbilt University, and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
Raquel de la Huerga, BS

Policy Coordinator, Bureau of Health Equity at Metro Public Health Department
Raquel de la Huerga (she/her) is the Policy Coordinator for the Bureau of Health Equity at the Metro Public Health Department (MPHD). Raquel works on the Health in All Policies team at MPHD and has supported the design and build out of their Health Lens Tool pilot project. Before MPHD, Raquel interned for the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities on their Connect the Dots team, where she researched policies that lie at the intersection of health and housing. Her professional experience also includes developing programs in disability rights education and homeless health services in Washington, DC, and her hometown of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Raquel graduated from American University with a Bachelor of Science in Public Health with a minor in Education Studies.
Meg Morgan

Root Nashville Campaign Manager, Cumberland River Compact
As the Root Nashville Campaign Manager at the Cumberland River Compact, Meg Morgan manages the operations and outreach of this public-private partnership to plant 500,000 trees in Nashville by 2050. She facilitates grassroots community leadership, working towards the vision of more equitable, healthy, climate-resilient neighborhoods. In 2020, Meg received the Nashville Emerging Leader Award in the Environment and Sustainability category presented by the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce.
T Benicio Gonzales, MSW

Director, Center for Health Equity at the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness
T Gonzales is the director of the Center for Health Equity at the Louisville Metro Department of Public Health and Wellness.
T began working at the Center for Health Equity in 2010 to coordinate the department’s Racial Healing and Equity Initiative. He is supporting the department’s strategy to deepen its focus on the root causes of health through authentic community engagement, strategic partnerships, addressing data gaps and challenges, and through policy analysis and development. As an active community member, T is committed to numerous organizations, projects, boards, and community campaigns. He has varied interests, including LGBTQ rights and health, racial equity, crafting, and watching any TV show with Gordon Ramsay.
T is a native of Texas and has called Louisville, Kentucky, home since 2006. T is a graduate of the University of Houston where he earned a Master of Social Work with a policy concentration. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work from St. Edward’s University in Austin, Texas. T is currently a PhD student at the University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Sciences in the Department of Health Management and Systems Sciences. His top strengths are deliberative, analytical, connectedness, relator, and learner.
Melody Gibson, MA

Education Director, Civic Design Center
Melody Gibson is the Education Director at the Civic Design Center where she developed the youth education programs Design Your Neighborhood (DYN) and the Nashville Youth Design Team (NYDT). After receiving a Bachelor of Architecture at the University of Tennessee, Melody developed her unique passion for empowering youth to help shape the spaces they inhabit when she taught high school math. She then pursued a Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction to deepen her interdisciplinary work of pre-college architecture and planning curriculum development. Melody was a 2020 Nashville Emerging Leaders Award Finalist for her innovative work with DYN and NYDT. Melody was recently published as a contributing author to the Handbook on Participatory Action Research and Community Development where her work serves as a practical example of how communities are empowering themselves to bring about systemic change. Melody’s work addresses the need for diversity in design professions by exposing thousands of young people to design at a young age, which she additionally contributes to by serving on the AIA Tennessee Chapter’s Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee where she leads the Minority Licensure Scholarship program.
Allysceaeioun D Britt, PhD, MPH

Interim Vice President, Faculty Affairs and Development, Meharry Medical College
Dr. Allysceaeioun D. Britt is a public health practitioner with more than 21 years of public service in local and state government with focus on policy addressing population health engagement to address social determinants health for Medicaid populations and underserved communities. She has led initiatives for State Medicaid expansion and continuous enrollment (Oklahoma), state enrollment assistance program for pregnant Medicaid eligible women within local rural and metropolitan health departments and a statewide expansion, integration and sustainability of an evidence-based smoking cessation program targeted for pregnant women (Tennessee).
Dr. Britt currently serves as the Interim Vice President of Faculty Affairs and Development and Assistant Professor in School of Graduate Studies and Research at Meharry Medical College. She also serves as an adjunct professor at Trevecca Nazarene University Skinner School of Business Education and Technology -Health Care Leadership Program. She is the founder of IMPAACT Health which provides support to community-based organizations by creating innovative models which promote, advocate, and advance a community’s health for tomorrow.
She holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Florida State University, Master of Public Health – Health Care Administration and Policy from University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center and Doctorate in Public Health – Community Health from Walden University.
In her free time, she enjoys singing in her church choir, playing the piano, and traveling with her family.
About Health in All Policies
Improving Health through Health in All Policies
Community Health in All Policies Initiatives
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