ohOver a glass of crystal champagne in Tenenbaum Jewelers’ salon, lifestyle guru/YouTube star/Instagram wonder/author Dominique Sachse and Tootsie sit down for a lively chat with colorful creative director/every girl’s BFF Fadi Armani. Paper city On the role of fashion in our daily life. While Armani offers the essential nuts and bolts of fashion and personal style, Sachse takes a philosophical approach.
To see the stylish trio in action, you can watch the full video here.
Paper cityWhat does fashion say about us?
taboo You give away who you are by what you wear. You give off that vibe based on how you present yourself to the world, how you want to be perceived.
Dominic And isn’t it a reminder of how visually driven we are? We cannot deny the fact that visuals are everything. And it’s not just the way we see others and the world, it’s the way we see ourselves. . . I always tell young people to seek advice, especially for those who want to start a business, preparation is everything and it includes being ready for work, but also how you present yourself because we are judged first by how we are. Appearance and our appearance.
But that doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of money. You just need to know that and know the value of first impressions.
Buy it
Bright love
Nomadic spirit
Beef carpaccio
PC: What is the most important aspect of choosing a suit?
taboo Knowing your assets, knowing what you want to highlight. I think if you know your body and you’re like, ‘Okay, I have big shoulders or a big neck. I have a very good chest. I have a big waist. I’ve got great legs’ Whatever it is, we’ll take that and make it the highlight of your look.
It needs to work with your body and have a custom fit for you. Therefore, it is very important to know your body and know your assets. When you know what that is, you’re going to dress well and feel comfortable because you’re showing off your best assets. At this time you will feel comfortable and you can wear the clothes.
Half the battle is carrying the outfit especially when it comes to trends and something over the top. You want it to be able to carry.
PC: You mentioned ideal customization. How important is this?
taboo When you see things on the runway, they’re on 6-foot models, they’re a beautiful size zero, but when it comes to reality, we change. In fact, we wear these fashions from size zero to 16 or 20. Changes are key. That’s why we at Tooties call it “the art of fashion.” For example, you don’t get dressed without changing your pants. It’s all about fit.
Dominic I’m a big believer in good adjustments and changes. An inch taken in can mean a whole difference in how an outfit looks. So that is very important. Think about a sleeve too big. I think a lot of people forget the bulk of the sleeve and there is a lot of fabric in the sleeve and sometimes taking an inch all the way down into the sleeve gives a longer and slimmer sleeve to a jacket. They don’t look like they’re wearing men’s clothes.
taboo It’s the same thing with a dress or skirt. When it is too wide, sometimes they only narrow the bottom to give it a little shape. It works to give that image a wider vertical look.

PC: What does an ankle-length Prairie Girl look like?
Dominic So many raffles, so many things. I feel lost in all of this. I’m more organized.
taboo I just got back from New York Fashion Week and for next spring and resort it’s definitely a big shift to solid colors, a little more customization – a total monochromatic look from head to toe. It’s both cute and chic than that big, loose, cotton print dress that people OD’d on and don’t want to see themselves in anymore. Of course it’s great for Round Top, hot summer days when you have to run.
This look came after the plague. People wanted the comfort and they wanted the frustration and the comfort. But everyone changed to find the next new thing, to upgrade and upgrade their clothes. Now everyone has changed to find the next new thing, upgrade and upgrade their wardrobe.
The same is true for jewelry. I feel like there’s a lot of novelty in hops, just like the larger size. From the shows, everything is big again, really big earrings. Big chunky bracelets, big dramatic earrings. It’s nice to be able to refresh. To mix and match.
PC: So is the jewelry trend changing?
taboo Jewelry has become very popular in the past couple of years, which we zoom in on every day. Earrings and necklaces, that’s all you see. People start thinking, ‘Oh, I have to make sure I have nice earrings and a necklace. For thumbnails, you can be in your pajamas and just have a nice top and earrings.
Sometimes you just want a beautiful decoration, to pick something up. But again, stunning investment pieces are great pieces that will last a long time in your jewelry box. You will also celebrate and celebrate.
Dominic You can shop trends easily and affordably. They can agree on some things. Layered gold necklaces are really, really in. You don’t have to spend a lot of money. Just like Fadi says, protect your core parts. You always have those.
They will stand the test of time forever. Nothing goes wrong when it’s a classic. With trends, there’s no reason to spend crazy money on that. So that’s always been my view, save on the trends and spend on the classics. So for me the classics are good jewelry, good handbags.
I think we should always have something because you see how everything comes back, so grab your favorite big watch or bracelet or whatever because it comes back in some form or fashion and instead of buying something again, you have something. In his closet.
PC: It’s very fashionable on young girls today to have lots of pierced ears and lots of bracelets and necklaces, all on the small side. At what age should a woman leave this stage?
taboo I do not know. (He cries.) Now I really feel that especially a lot of earrings will be personal. It almost depends on your personality. Depending on who you want to be and what makes you happy. I’ve seen it less and I think five to 10 years ago it was big with these tiny earrings and everyone wanted more and more. . . . Well, maybe it should stay there in the college world. (Laughter around)
Dominic It is a personal statement. And I think sometimes that’s where you have to throw away all those rules. I get these questions all the time, ‘At what point should I do this or that.’ And I say, ‘I don’t believe so.’
I think it’s just a personal interpretation because we’re all different. We all have different personalities. We all have different cultural backgrounds. For some cultures it may mean shorter hair or more jewelry or less hair.
I think ultimately you have to do what speaks to you in some element of taste and style. I personally like to see that freedom of expression and individuality in people. This is when it gets fun for me. It is no longer uniform.

PC: Dominique, how has your fashion vision changed now that you’ve moved on from the Evening News?
Dominic It was a really easy transition. I just added on the pieces I had less of and removed the pieces I had more of. In my previous line of work I had a cover dress, a straight fit cover dress in a hundred different colors. So now, I have no interest in that so I’ve gotten rid of those in my closet and included more funky denim pieces, cropped jeans.
A really cool blazer that I can rock with fun shoes or a rock t-shirt if I want to punch out at night. I’m toning it down a bit to fit my lifestyle. It means you still want those statement pieces in your wardrobe for special occasions.
PC: Fadi, what’s going on in Houston fashion right now?
taboo Since March, we’ve seen a big shift where people are starting to dress up again, wearing heels and thinking, ‘Oh, that’s weird.’ But we’ve definitely seen, now in the fall, people are ready for those amazing pieces that you feel good about and you can go to a luncheon and feel good again and see people.
The cocktail is back. Fashion refers to the season we enter. Our outfits are now in the fall season and we’re attending events and a little bit of jewelry and bling.
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