THESE bad fashion habits are ruining your look and making you appear older than you are, according to a fashion pro.
YouTuber, Angela Mashelle, gives style advice to her viewers. In a recent video she has shared eight bad fashion habits.


Fashion mistake number one – wearing too much of the same color.
Try only picking one or two pieces for a pop of color. This will give a flare to your outfit instead of dating yourself with too much color.
“You want to be the center of attention, you don’t want your outfit to be the center of attention,” Angela advised in her video.
Try to also avoid wearing cheap costume jewelry.
Instead, go for dainty jewelry that may still be cheap, but appears to be more expensive.
For a chic look, try pairing your cheaper jewelry with your more expensive jewelry to elevate your outfit.
Also remember, if you don’t take care of the basics, your look will be ruined, no matter what you wear.
This means not polishing your nails or leaving old, chipped nail polish on your fingers.
Also make sure to take care of your hair so it looks healthy.
“And it’s gonna make you feel more beautiful,” Angela said.
Your eyebrows should also be groomed properly, especially if you don’t wear a lot of makeup, because they frame your face and make your eyes pop.
Another tip is to not leave the thin, threaded belt loops on your dresses.
These type of belt loops are actually meant to be cut off because they are only there to keep the belt attached to the dress during shipping and while it’s on the store rack.
Cutting off these loops also helps you find where the belt should actually be on your body as everyone’s torso is a different size.
Some blazers and coats come with a sewn on X found at the bottom center of the back.
The X is only meant to stop creases from forming during shipping or when hanging in the store.
Make sure to cut the X off once you get home because they can be very noticeable.
Wearing too many logos at one time is another fashion no-no.
Although you might be spending a lot of money on designer brands, wearing too many luxury pieces or mixing and matching them can actually cheapen the look.
The outfit won’t come off as classy and “it just screams I want some attention,” Angela said.
Another fashion mistake is wearing the wrong bra with an outfit or wearing the wrong size bra.
Make sure to update your bra as you age since your size can change.
“There’s nothing worse than spending a lot of money on your look and then you have on the wrong bra,” Angela said.
Wearing the wrong eyeglass frames can also date your look.
Angela has warned against wearing thin, wired-framed glasses and opting for round, thick-framed glasses.
Above all, pick glasses that go well with your face shape.
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