A day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched 5G services, Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said that much of the technology required for 6G development is available with Indian developers and the country will lead the way in the next generation of technology.
The Minister visited the booth of IIT Hyderabad at the India Mobile Congress here. The institute is demonstrating a prototype of 6G technology, which it says has demonstrated 2-3 times more spectral efficiency and network speed compared to 5G.
“Now we need to be at the forefront of 6G development and deployment. IIT Hyderabad, the standards and technologies developed to take the telecom world from 5G to 6G… Many of the technological advances have already happened. Patents are available with the Indian developer community,” Vaishnau said.
The Prime Minister said that India should take the lead in 6G.
“We need to be leaders in 6G. That’s what we’re working towards and achieving,” said Vaishnav.
According to the Department of Telecommunications (DOT), 5G technology is expected to offer ten times better download speeds and up to three times more spectrum efficiency than 4G.
IIT Hyderabad professor Kiran Kuchi, who is leading the 6G development project, said the institute has been granted some patents to help create 6G standards and is in the process of acquiring new patents as the technology advances.
“A typical cell site is divided into 3 sectors or zones. In 6G there will be one large cell with no sector. It will connect to a super cell. There will be many radios in a single cell. It will increase the optical efficiency and network speed,” he said. Kuchi said.
He said that a technology takes 10 years to mature and IT Hyderabad has started patenting the technology which will play a major role in developing 6G standards.
IIT Hyderabad was one of the institutes that developed 5G, India’s 5G technology standard.
Cucci said that some versions of 5GI are part of new mobile phones and the final version of 5GI will be available soon.
(Only the title and image of this report may have been reproduced by Business Standard staff; the rest of the content was generated automatically from the syndicated feed.)
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