Published on August 12, 2022

Morris County grant program earns $15,000 as creator passes more than 600 approvals
New, free Morris County small business app it was Officially launched In the city of Parsippany today by Zoomus Marketing, received at the same time A $15,000 grant under the Morris County Small Business Grant Program.
“After much research, today I’m releasing a new app called MORRIS NOW on Google Play and the Apple Store,” he said. Zoomus owner Frank Cahill “Morris now It connects local businesses to over 500,000 residents in Morris County. Residents can download the app from Google Play or the Apple Store. Absolutely freeHe added.
The announcement was made during a press conference at the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce offices off Halsey Road. Among those in attendance were members of the Morris County Board of County Commissioners, Parsippany Mayor Jamie Barberio, Council President Michael DePiero, Vice President Loretta Grannani and Council Member Justin Musella.
Main hair salon He praised Cahill for creating it Morris app nowNoting that Cahill is committed to improving business in Parsippany as publisher of Parsippany Focus and publisher of Morris Focus, executive board member of the Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce and chair of the Parsippany Economic Development Advisory Committee.
“I’m glad I got to know Frank because, when I tell you he’s really committed to economic development in Parsippany, he really is, and this is a perfect example of that. We thank the mayor for his commitment to Parsippany.
Morris County Deputy Commissioner John Krikus and Commissioners Thomas Mastrangelo and Stephen Shaw announced at the same time that Zomus and Cahill did. Eligible for $15,000 under the Morris County Small Business Grant ProgramIt is designed to help small businesses still affected by the pandemic meet special expenses incurred after March 3, 2022.
“I’m a small business owner, so I’ve seen firsthand what small businesses are up against,” he said. Commissioner Thomas Mastrangelo. “One thing about these Funding, and I’ve talked to some of the small businesses in my town, it’s given them hope and a sense of being able to go out and compete a little bit. Some of these aids put a little more fuel into their engines, helping them not stop with a shot in the arm.
Deputy Director Krikus said the program has already approved more than 600 grant applications from small businesses and non-profit organizations.
“Since we launched in Dover in February, more than 600 Morris County small businesses have benefited from this program to recover and expand,” said Krikus.
Commissioner Shaw added: “It was a great asset to our businesses, and urged businesses to apply quickly.” “We are down to $1.3 million from the total of $10 million and will close the applications on September 30.”
Parsippany Area Chamber of Commerce President Robert J. Peluso, Parsippany Economic Development Collaborative Chair Dr. Bhagirath Mahetta and Ed Ramirez, Morris County Economic Development Corporation Business Resource Director spoke at the event praising the small grant program and Cahill’s vision. Developing the MORRIS NOW app.
The MORRIS NOW app combines everything in one place, shopping, local events, local news, weather, neighborhood chats and local categories. Local businesses can use it to promote discounts and specials.
“Push messages directly to customers. Powerful Bluetooth proximity marketing. The light pushes business ads to customer devices that pass through the app. The app allows promotions and links. The app also includes deep promotional analytics. The app also sends a ‘Happy Birthday message’ directly to business customers,” Cahill said.
Learn more about MORRIS now
Apply now for a Morris County Small Business Grant!
Morris County Small Grant Program He was the brainchild of the Morris County Commissioners in developing the special use of funds provided to the county by the America’s Rescue Plan Act. Federal guidelines allow Morris County to use the dollars only for expenses incurred in March 2021 and beyond.
There is no cost to apply.
Federal guidelines governing the grant program determine exactly which expenses are eligible for coverage and which applications are approved. The grants are capped at $15,000 per applicant. However, business owners and non-profit organizations are encouraged to submit applications that include all expenses they believe may qualify for the grant.
Above right: Cahill on stage explaining how his MORRIS NOW app works. With him (lr) were commissioners Krickus, Mastrangelo and Shaw.
Top left: Cahill and his commissioners are joined at the announcement by (left) Parsippany Council Member Musella and Mayor Barberio, and right, Parsippany Council President Michael DePiro and Vice President Loretta Grannani.
Middle Right: Cutting the ceremonial cake at the event with Cahill is former Assemblywoman Betty Lou DeCroce, a local small business owner.
Bottom left: Parsippany Area Chamber and other business people join the event.
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