“Why be basic when you can be amazing?” Christopher Griffin, known to many as Plant Queen, muses. From 9-5, you’ll find the assistant director of NYU’s LGBTQ+ Center behind their desk. Within hours, they’re strutting about their Brooklyn apartment, dressed in fitted gowns, showering botanical knowledge (via @plantkween ). Entering said forest of homes, you will find not one but three closets. One is used as bait, another is for wine production, and the last one is especially fashionable for home designers. The latter is essentially an ode to the designer Griffin admires most: Christopher John Rogers, who contributed to his book. You kind gorl!”s coverage. “[His clothes] Bold, colorful, playful, shapes, bold, bold, bold, never seen before. And they are not the only ones [items] Clothes are works of art. I simply don’t wear them. If it weren’t for Christopher John Rogers, Griffin would stop wearing them (in defense of their “expensive sweet tooth”) or use their fashion purchases to support those in the LGBTQ+ and black communities – bonus points for their relatability.
Aesthetically, those purchases often have a flair for the dramatic. Although Griffin doesn’t wear drag, they draw inspiration from the queens in their sarcastic fun. That said, their first taste of this bold sense of expression grew out of the black churches. “A fashion show,” they say. “Lots of dresses, sequins, blazers with shoulder pads, hats that defy gravity and architecture.” Griffin’s grandmother, a church-going woman, connected these points early. Naturally, her closet provided some refuge. “I was in her little world in her closet,” Griffin Moses said.
The estate vividly recalls a particular memory when her two kitten heels clicked up the stairs when the family gathered at a young age. “Everybody was quiet. And my grandmother said, ‘Oh my goodness. Isn’t this expensive? You look wonderful.’ And I think in that moment, she let my family know that this was normal. This was something I had to do and was allowed to do. That outward acceptance gave Griffin the permission she needed to explore her own expression outside of the gender binary.
Coat: Cloth Silhouette
Grandma, “The First Green Goddess,” gave Griffin her green thumb. “[She made me] He learned that gardening was very important to our family legacy.” Now, their relationship with plants skews philosophical in nature. A first-generation college student and avid student, Griffin has created his own botany department where he is both professor and student. “Plants are rich in history. They are living beings that we need to live on different levels. Plants have a deep connection with human existence. They provide a mirror that reflects the very different ways that I can. Take care of myself.
Griffin, of course, in clothing, another of his loves, as well as in the field of poetry. As a non-binary person, gender is their playground. I like to jump, skip and jump to different things. “Clothes are one of the many ways I can express myself and express myself in whatever way I want.” The status of the profile is constantly growing. “Unfortunately, I think you’re a non-binary person living in a very transient place like New York [can’t hide]some days it’s about safety. I don’t feel transphobic today, so let me join. And then other days I’m like a jerk. I want to be who I am. And to show who I am on my hand. And so on a good day, when I’m feeling powerful and grounded in who I am, it’s really about fun silhouettes, playful patterns and bright colors.” Their work adds a layer of responsibility for this decision. Griffin works in LGBTQ+ where all students are encouraged to be unapologetically themselves. “I think it’s important to lead the work while we’re doing the work,” they say. We must be role models for our students. That is, heels and skirts are often distributed in their company clothes. “According to Rs[Paul] “We’re all born with what’s left of us. The rest is a drag. So why not enjoy it?” Keep scrolling to explore Griffin’s exciting closet.
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