For immediate release: August 4, 2022 (22-120)
Contact: Sharon MoysiukCommunications 360-549-6471
Public inquiries: Health Systems Customer Service 360-236-4700
OLYMPIA — The Washington State Department of Health has revoked or suspended the licenses, certifications, or registrations of the following health care providers in our state. The department has also immediately suspended the credentials of people who have been prohibited from practicing in other states.
The department’s Health Systems Quality Assurance Division works with boards, commissions and advisory committees to set licensing standards for more than 80 health care professions (eg, dentists, nurses, counselors). Information about disciplinary action taken against medical doctors and physician assistants can be found on the Washington Medical Commission (WMC) website. Questions about WMC disciplinary actions can be sent to media@wmc.wa.gov.
Information about health care providers is on the agency’s website. Click on “Look up a health care provider license” in the “How Do I?” section of the Department of Health home page (doh.wa.gov). The site includes information about a health care provider’s license status, the expiration and renewal date of their credential, disciplinary actions and copies of legal documents issued after July 1998. This information is also available by calling 360-236-4700. Consumers who think a health care provider acted unprofessionally are also encouraged to call and report their complaint.
Benton County
In July 2022 the Nursing Commission and registered nurse Emily Marie Hanson (RN60369093) entered into an order that suspends Hanson’s credentials. Hanson had withdrawn oxycodone for a patient who never received the pain medication, and a hospital audit found Hanson had withdrawn more oxycodone than other floor nurses even though she did not have individual patient responsibilities.
Chelan County
In July 2022 the Nursing Commission suspended the registered nurse license of Daphne Lelora Tobin Jacobsen (RN60560549). Jacobsen did not respond to charges that she drank alcohol before work and worked while impaired.
King County
In July 2022 the Nursing Assistant Program summarily suspended, pending further disciplinary action, the certified nursing assistant license of Nancy Shirley Ferrara (NC60276652). The Department of Social and Health Services’ Adult Protective Services determined Ferrara neglected a vulnerable adult, which prohibits her from working with or having unsupervised access to vulnerable adults.
Okanogan County
In July 2022 the Nursing Commission suspended the license of Roy Parker Rasmussen (RN00141712). Rasmussen’s license was summarily suspended after he was arrested in April 2022 for first degree murder.
Skagit County
In July 2022 the Nursing Commission suspended the registered nurse and advanced registered nurse practitioner anesthetist licenses of Mark James Padrnos (RN00107541, AP30004443 -CRNA) after Padrnos engaged in a romantic and sexual relationship with a patient.
Spokane County
In July 2022 the Nursing Assistant Program, the Medication Assistant Endorsement Program and Janina Gabrielle Schmalfeldt (NC60669862, ME60785583) agreed to an order that suspends her license. Schmalfeldt, a certified nursing assistant with a medication assistant endorsement, took a patient’s hydrocodone for her own use.
Yakima County
In July 2022 the secretary of health suspended the registered nursing assistant license of Susan Lee Ann Beebe (NA60249471). The Department of Social and Health Services’ Adult Protective Services found Beebe financially exploited a vulnerable adult. As a result, she is prohibited from working with or having unsupervised access to vulnerable adults.
Out of State
Missouri: In July 2022 the Nursing Commission summarily suspended the license of registered nurse Ryan Keith Belloir (RN60682947). The California Board of Registered Nursing prohibited Belloir from practicing in California after Belloir was found to have possessed fentanyl, and because Belloir made incorrect entries into records.
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