NORTH ROYALTON, Ohio – Seventh graders in computer literacy teacher Kathy Zamborski’s class had the opportunity to hear from two entrepreneurs what it takes to succeed in the real world of owning your own business.
Kimyana Beera, the sister of the current seventh grader, is the possessor of stunning beauty. She gave great insight into the benefits of thinking ahead about careers. She shared with the students that she loves to help and serve others and wants to make them happy. This interest led her to attend college and become a nurse.
Later, she realized she could still achieve her goals while doing something she truly loved – doing hair and makeup. So, she decided to attend school to become a hair designer, stylist and makeup artist. Through her hard work and passion for what she does, she opened her own business, Amazing Beauty. She shared how flexible this business has allowed her to be, as well as how important family and continuing education are to her.
Jeff Fisher, chef and owner of Salt Dough in Broadview Heights, was also a guest speaker at Zamborski’s class. He explained that his passion for food began as a child growing up in New Hampshire, where his family had two yards and he was accustomed to eating organic and fresh foods.
As a middle school student, he worked as a dishwasher and continued to enjoy working in the kitchens of other restaurants as he grew. He moved to Ohio to attend Ashland University and decided to make Northeast Ohio his home.
He shared with the students not only the joys of owning your own business but also the struggles and hurdles that come with it. He urged the students to really think about the entrepreneurship project they are currently working on and analyze what would make their business more successful and stand out from their competitors.
“I think the students got a lot out of both visits,” Zamborski said. “They asked great questions and engaged.”
“I love what Ms. Zamborski is doing,” said North Royalton Middle School Principal Erin Calabrese. “It is very important that our students are exposed to the opportunities that await them. If they can see a future for themselves and are willing to put in the work, they can achieve their own personal success and positively impact their community.
Chair Inauguration; Before the start of a football game, a POW/MIA chair was reserved and placed on the home side bleachers at North Royalton’s Serpentine Chevrolet Stadium. The community will always remain empty to help our soldiers remember that even though they are no longer here, there is always a place for them. The chair was purchased from Husey Seating, an organization that supports the POW/MIA Honorary Collector Program and the efforts of servicemen and women of our military.

The POW/MIA chair is named and sits on the home field at North Royalton’s Serpentine Chevrolet Stadium to honor the servicemen and women of our military.
In addition, the North Royalton Marching Band played “America the Beautiful” and the National Anthem to recognize our troops. All military and emergency personnel are free to enter the game. There was a military Humvee at the stadium and the Ohio Army National Guard was on hand to distribute protective equipment.
“The brave men and women who serve our country deserve our unwavering support and gratitude,” said North Royalton City Schools Superintendent Michael Laub. “We believe every day is Military Appreciation Day. We support our armed forces, our veterans and their families.
The North Royalton Lions Club presented the colors and flag of a service branch on flagpoles. There was also a motorcycle rally by the Combat Vets Association around the track.
Security Services Fair; You are invited to the Brecksville Safety Service Show and Ice Cream Social where you can meet members of the Brecksville Police, Fire and Service Departments and view Brecksville Police vehicles, service department equipment and fire trucks.
It will be the Metro Health helipad where you can see inside the helicopter. Learn about Safety Town, Drug Takeback, CERT, Citizen Fire Academy, SERT, CAPA, Recycle and more. In addition, there will be free ice cream.
This is Sunday, October 9th from 11am to 2:30pm at the Horticulture Building, 6925 Stadium Dr.
garden club The Chippewa Garden Club will host senior horticulturist Brian Gregory from Stan Hywet Hall and Gardens in Akron on Tuesday, October 25, at 6:30 pm. He said.
The garden of their service provides many important lessons. Stan Hywet, meaning quarry in Old English, is a beautiful manor house and grounds that were donated to the public in 1957. 70+ acres will give you plenty of ideas for your own garden. This is sure to be an enlightening and educational evening.
The meeting will be held at the Brecksville Human Services Building, 2 Community Dr., Brecksville. The Human Services Building is located behind the Brecksville Community Center.
Guests are always welcome. Reply to Noreen at MsNoreen@att.net. For more information, visit www.ChippewaGardenClub.com or follow them on Facebook for garden articles and club activities.
The Chippewa Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. – Mid-Atlantic Region, Ohio Garden Club, Inc. – Cleveland District and Holden Forests and Gardens.
Additional CLE: Two more CLE markets are scheduled for Wednesday, October 12 Beachwood Fall Event, 4-8pm at Beachwood City Hall and Saturday October 15, Berea Harvest Festival, noon to 7:30pm at Coe Lake.
CLE Market offers food and bakery items, health and beauty products, textiles, crafts, art, jewelry, pet products and baby items from local businesses. Each CLE market consists of 15 to 45 vendors, although most have 30.
“There’s something for everyone,” said Janine Kessler of Olmsted, who launched the CLE market in September. “Everything is handmade and handmade.”
“Right now, I try to partner with smaller communities that don’t have farmers markets,” Kessler said. “North Royalton doesn’t have many shopping areas, so I wanted to get mom and pop businesses there to bring them all together in one place.”
Another unique feature of the CLE market is that Kessler only includes one vendor from each business type. For example, you would not invite two jewelers to the same market.
For more information visit www.cle-market.com.
Read more news from Sun Star Courier over here.
Let the Brecksville, Broadview Heights and North Royalton communities know what’s going on with your organization, church, school, business or family. Email me shirleymac48@att.net.
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