Why does the common man care about fashion shows? Scratch that. Why does the average fashion-obsessed person care about fashion shows? I sat down during Fashion Month, and my editor-in-chief and I discussed this question at length. For my job, I spend a lot of time at said shows (or clicking collections on the Vogue runway) analyzing trends, cuts, techniques and more. But I used to do this (or at least the second one) before I started working in the industry. My personal Pinterest boards are still filled with runway images, old and new. I think a fashion show is more than design. It’s how design fits into the language of the world around it—how it moves from fashion to style.
That’s not to throw shade at the pieces themselves. I’ll be eyeing those Dries Van Note appliqué florals until they hit the stores next spring (let’s be honest, until they hit the department stores in a few years). But what really amazes me is not the single brown crochet top, but the way the open weave chocolate is paired with the pastel pink shirt and how that contrasts with the mint green dress and stark white shoes. Take the Henley shirts at Bottega Veneta, for example. Do I want to own one? of course. But there’s more to the idea of ​​Henleys than the piece itself. Pick one up from Uniqlo or a local thrift store and try on a similar pair for the airport. It doesn’t look exactly the same, but isn’t that the point of personal style? This form of stressful entertainment was done before we in the industry had the means (and connections) to verify these things. In light of these revelations, we’ve rounded up seven looks from the spring ’23 runways that we can’t stop thinking about wearing right now.
By Miu Miu: Layered T-shirt + Embellished Dress + Loafers
Photo: Victor Boyko/Getty Images
Miuccia Prada wowed us again with Miu Miu, layering t-shirts in different styles (short and long sleeved). In this, in particular, we love the dichotomy between the elegant dress and the casual top. And socks and shoes add the perfect finishing touch.
By Kite: Pussy Bow Blouse + Denim + Statement Blazer
Photo: Hannah Tveite
This season, Cait Catherine Holstein also found ways to mix casual and flashy pieces in a surprising way. Why can’t a PC bow shirt work with jeans and a embellished jacket? Then the open toe snake print sandal throws in just the right amount.
By Saint Laurent: Column Dress + Biker Jacket + Statement Bangles
Photo: Victor Virgil/Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images
Paired with chunky bangles on each wrist at Saint Laurent, there’s something so perfect about this elegant column figure. A monochromatic biker jacket adds much-needed ’80s elements to complete the ensemble.
By Prada: Nightie + Black Underwear + Mary Jane
The first thought of nightgowns and Mary Janes seemed a little childish to most adults. Prada gives a saccharine look to the overall sex appeal by adding semi-opaque transparency to the dress and revealing black underwear.
At Lowe’s: Cropped Utility Jacket + Brown Layers + Floral Mini Bag
Photo: Courtesy of Lowe’s
We’ve all come to brown this year and for good reason. The chocolate-y color feels especially rich when paired with rich shades like autumn green. Rock that logic by adding a high-waisted white shirt and, more importantly, a small floral handbag.
At Bottega Veneta: Henley Shirt + Leather Skirt + Statement Coat
Photo: Estrup/Getty Images
For spring ’23, Matteo Blazy at Bottega Veneta convinced us all of the stylish potential of the henley shirt. In this look, pair it with high-end labels (think: a burgundy leather skirt and a striped statement coat).
By Gucci: matching tags + statement belt + leather accessories
Photo: Courtesy of Gucci
Gucci’s Alessandro Michele is known for his larger-than-life collections, but the main pieces themselves are often simple. Take this look, for example, with matching black custom labels. Add intrigue in the form of a chrome belt buckle.
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