
MTU Events – Michigan Technological University Michigan Tech will raise the ribbon on the newly constructed Nara Family Maple Center at the Nara Family Maple Center in Bootjack at 10 a.m.
HOUGHTON – Michigan Tech University leaders and the Nara family will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony Thursday, August 18, 2010, for the newly constructed Nara Family Maple Center at Michigan Tech’s Nara Family Forest in Torch Lake City.
In the year Houghton Root Nara and Butjack deeded the 640-acre forested parcel to Michigan Tech at a June 28, 2018, signing ceremony on the Nara Nature Trail. 640 hectares of land and the value of the wood on it is more than 2 million dollars. The property also contains a sugar shack where harvested maple sap is fermented.
The Nara Family Maple Center is used to teach the history and heritage of sugar trees to K-12 outreach and tech students. “Wonderful Things the Forest Produces.” As William Roberts, Tech’s vice president of advancement and alumni engagement, cited in a report to Tech’s board.
Participants will hear from university leaders, faculty from the College of Forestry and Environmental Sciences, and faculty from the Nara family.
Taylor Tankerley, with Michigan Tech’s Office of Development, said a newly constructed sugar shack used for syrup production is located at the University’s Ford Forestry Center in Alberta, and Michigan Tech’s School of Forestry offers a non-traditional course covering syrup culture. and business practices as well as pipes and boils.
“There is also a tent area
The Nara Family Forest, consisting mostly of mixed hardwoods, forested wetlands, and lowland conifers, was donated to the university in June 2018.
Ruth’s husband, Robert Nara, was born on October 10, 1935, in Detroit, the son of William O. and May (Monk) Nara. He was a 1953 graduate of Lake Linden-Hubbell High School. He attended Michigan State and graduated from the Michigan School of Dentistry in 1959.
He practiced dentistry in Houghton for decades and was the founder of Oramedics International, an organization that promotes preventive dentistry.
Generous donors to Copper Country, one of the most famous is the Nara Nature Park in Houghton, where visitors can enjoy boardwalks around the Pilgrim River, forest trails and bridges over streams. They created and funded the Nara Animal Shelter.
Robert has served on many boards in the community. He was very generous and truly wanted to make the world a better place.
Like an emotional jungle. Nara enjoyed his family’s maple forest in Butjak and improved the health of the trees. Robert is the third generation of Nara who has a lot of history when it comes to the property.
His grandfather, James W. Nara, John W. Nara emigrated from Finland in the 1890s, and became one of the Copper Country’s first commercial photographers. According to the Michigan Tech Archives, which houses Nara’s photographic collection, his success as a photographer allowed him to invest in timberland in the region, including the Bootjack area. He became one of the first advocates for voting logs. In addition to collecting and milling the finest wood, Nara leased logging lands for small farms with Finnish immigrants and is the subject of many of the photographs.
The Nara Family Maple Center ribbon cutting ceremony will begin at 10 a.m. and the public is invited to attend and meet Michigan Tech leaders. The new Maple Center is located at 45016 N. Jacobsville Road in Lake Linden.
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