To release immediately: August 12, 2022 (22-124)
Contact: DOH communications
Olympia – As the world recovers from the Covid-19 pandemic, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) a Change plan To renew the agency’s priorities, focus and commitment to a vision of equitable and good health for all.
The plan is informed by formal and informal discussions and aims to reimagine health using our agency’s core values ​​of Equity, Innovation and Engagement (EIE). This plan focuses on five areas of focus, followed by six strategies. The overview underscores DOH’s commitment to health for all by creating policies and conditions so that every Washingtonian can lead a healthy life. The plan recognizes the importance of collaborating with communities, community-based organizations, local public health, government partners, health care providers/systems, the private sector, tribal governments and others to move forward to improve health for all Washingtonians.
“Effective and growing public health will always be a whole-of-society effort, and we must move from marketing to transformation,” said Health Secretary Umer A. Shah, MD, MPH. We are reaffirming our focus on equity, innovation and participation to build a stronger public health system. This plan is not only about putting into practice many of the lessons learned during Covid, but also about revisiting and transforming our pre-Covid mission and creating a responsive public health system for the future.
The goal is to respond to the complex public health needs in Washington now, but also to be creative and flexible enough to adjust as those needs change, and to respond quickly as new challenges emerge.
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