There are mental health and hygiene practices that you should do at least as regularly as brushing your teeth. Not only is there extensive research showing its effectiveness in improving your physiological and psychological health, it’s non-invasive and free. You’re doing it now… the missing ingredient might just be your passion.
Nervous system function
Breath on the border of consciousness and Unknowingly. Now that you have it Attention, you can learn more about it and maybe even find yourself changing the flow. A moment ago, maybe not so much. Yet, you were still breathing.

A woman with hair, eyes closed, wants to breathe peacefully.
Source: 1769702321/Shutterstock
This is because your breathing is controlled by your Autonomic. Nervous system (ANS) The same system controls your heart rate, blood flow, and digestion, among other body functions. These systems speed up or slow down as your body tries to develop homeostasis, your internal balance. The ANS is divided into two parts, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). When you sense danger, your SNS triggers a fight-or-flight response. In contrast, a safe and calm environment stimulates the PNS, the rest and digest response.
Like most unconscious processes, these responses are driven by an evolutionary focus on survival. You don’t get to ‘choose’ which system takes over the physiological regime because a moment’s hesitation on the Savannah will see you land in the jaws of a tiger. The challenge is that in our modern world, we are dealing with emails more than tigers and our evolved brains are frequently thinking of detailed mistakes. Living only in the mind, even though you cannot run from these fears, these imaginations ‘trigger’ the same ‘fight or flight’ response.
Given the rising levels of stress globally, we know that the SNS is turned on regularly – even if only occasionally. The SNS has high energy demands, resulting in allostatic loading. The more weight you gain, the more vulnerable you are to physical and psychological ailments.
mind-body connection
Western science has long since broken down the historical dichotomy between mind and body. Fields such as psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) have evolved, which “understand how two-way pathways connect the brain and the immune system and provide a neural basis; endocrineAnd the effect of behavior on immunity” (Ader, 2001) This means that stress not only increases your heart rate and dilates pupils, but also increases the risk of immune diseases. After high stress.

A person sitting at a computer. Their heads seem to be strained.
Source: 1223165929/Shutterstock
No, getting sick after an exam or chasing a big project deadline is not ideal. However, what is more concerning is if the stress is unrelenting – chronic stress. In the field of PNI, chronic stress is known to contribute to heart disease, cancer, lung diseases, traumatic injuries, liver cirrhosis, and obesity. Suicide. Rising levels of disease indicate this. The purpose of the increased inflammation is historically a sign of high stress that a person may be more susceptible to infection, such as a tiger bite or battle wound. Given the two-way nature of your body’s communication, these immune markers use a common molecular language to tell your brain that your immune system is activated. The brain interprets this as a ‘warning’ warning. Suddenly, you’re more likely to perceive neutral stimuli as threatening (like an ambiguous text message or email). You will be more StressMaybe it is experiencing clinical stages AnxietyBy going to the depression section, it has a greater effect on your body’s biological systems.
If your brain evolved to scan for environmental threats, and your body evolved to respond, what’s the cure?
Benefits of breathing
The breath. Remember that it rests on the border between the conscious and the unconscious. So even if you can’t (probably!) consciously slow your heart rate or normalize your immune system, you can control your breathing. If used effectively, it can break the chain between various behavioral, neurological, endocrine and immune processes in your body.
Chances are you’ve heard a lot about breathwork lately. From the superhuman THe is a snowman Wim Hoff’s best-selling book breath By James Nestor, people are realizing that breath has power. but why?
A current hypothesis separates vagal nerve stimulation and tone during breathing. of Female genital nerve It is the largest nerve in your body and is the main nerve of the PNS, which controls your relaxation and digestive responses. When ‘toned’ (like a muscle) they are physiologically more likely to return to a relaxed state following a SNS trigger. This relaxation response has long been recognized as an important defense against stress. The result is that your system experiences less allostatic load. Knowing the harmful effects of chronic stress, this can be a life-limiting condition.
Interestingly, respiratory vagal nerve stimulation (rVNS) holds one mechanism for the broad benefits of PNI associated with mindfulness exercises. Meditation and mind-body practices like yoga and tai chi. But breathing exercises are part of the clinical intervention, not just teaching to encourage breathing and relaxation on the yoga mat (known as pranayama). Treatment Room. This is because you can affect your emotional state by changing your breathing.
If, like the majority of people, you are experiencing constant stress, I suggest you start by exploring diaphragmatic breathing. This is also called ‘belly breathing’ where you slowly draw your breath into your belly. Every time you use your nose to breathe, take a slightly longer breath. Knowing that you will know more about your breath after reading this article, I will explain more about this practice in the next article. Set the intention to develop a rhythm and flow that feels healthy for you, physiologically and psychologically.
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