Among Tech student-athletes to earn honors, Maddie Correa (volleyball), Callum Scott (Men’s Wave) Takeyasu Sekiguchi (Men’s Tennis) Hayley Palmer (football) Cassie Taylor (football) Jesse Willingham (football) Melanie Jacobs (Women’s Track and Field) Taylor Limbaugh (Women’s Track & Field) and Luca Meinke (Men’s Track & Field) were nominated with a 4.0 grade point average in their first year for the Red Raiders.
A total of 469 student-athletes were named to the 2021-22 Academic All-Big 12 Freshman Team, with 56 student-athletes selected with a 4.00 grade point average.
To be designated by each institution’s Director of Student-Athlete Support Services, student-athletes must be freshmen, first-time/incoming freshmen who have completed 24 semester hours of non-completion coursework on an academic multidisciplinary 12 starter team and have a cumulative GPA. At least 3.00. In addition, a student-athlete must participate in at least one of their team’s scheduled tournaments and be a member of their respective team for the sport’s overall NCAA championship division. The Academic All-Big 12 Rookie Team was introduced in the 2012-13 school year.
Below is a summary of the Texas Tech honorees in sports:
Baseball: Loudon Brooks, Drew Reynolds, Kyle Robinson, Owen Washburn, Hudson White
Football: Jeran Bradley, Jacoby Jackson, Jackson Knotts, Nehemiah Martinez I, Beren Morton, Mason Tharp, Cameron Valdez
Men’s Wave Callum Scott
Men’s Tennis; Takeyasu Sekiguchi
Men’s Track and Field Oscar Edlund, Demetrius Guerrero, Luca Meinke, Colton Nafziger, Soham Patil
Football: Macy Blackburn., Kennedy Chambers, Alexis Fowlkes, Hayley Palmer, Cassie Taylor, Ashley Williams, Jesse Willingham
Softball: Erna Carlin, Demi Elder, Carson Jennings, Maddie Kuehl, Ranchi Willis
Women’s Basketball; Saga thunder, Chantae Embry
Women’s Golf: Libby Fleming, Chiara Hoarder, Kyle Loewe, Chelsea Roma
Women’s Track and Field: Fanny Arendt, Olivia Cade, Grace Cunningham, Sidney George, Mara Herring, Alexis Ivy, Melanie Jacobs, Taylor Limbaugh, Madeleine McElroy, Alison Sherer, Tori Tyler, Sarah Zdansky
Volleyball: Maddie Correa, Madison Gilliland
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