RALEIGH, NC (WTVD) — A line wrapped around the Wake County Public Health Center 30 minutes before it opened its doors.
“I’m really impressed. It’s a Saturday morning, people can go out with their friends on a Friday night. So I’m excited to see so many people get up early to come,” said Garner resident Robert Nelson.
Nelson is one of hundreds of people who have received their monkeypox vaccine.
“It’s important to me to prepare and stay healthy, and I thought this would be a good opportunity to do that,” Nelson said.
Wake County Public Health First monkey disease prevention clinic550 dose giving.
Wake County Preventive Health Director Rebecca Kaufman said, “We’re hearing from the community that they’re very concerned about getting their monkeypox vaccine. We’re excited that they want to take this step, that they want to get vaccinated as a preventative measure.”
The clinic comes as North Carolina health officials identify the 95th case in the state. Most cases are among men who have sex with men, but experts warn that anyone can be exposed.
“I think that’s going to be the case because, like with Covid, the numbers are going up,” said Amy Davis of Raleigh.
A second dose is required for complete protection. The health department said they hope to host another clinic when they receive additional doses.
Related: Durham counties boost rabies vaccinations as cases rise in North Carolina
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