What did the GAO find?
Consolidated Benefits Act 2022, at the request of members of Congress, allocates $1.3 billion to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for 901 projects. The Act includes specific provisions that determine the amount of funds to be allocated to a specific recipient for a specific project. These provisions are called “congressional appropriations” in the US Senate and “community project funds” in the House of Representatives.
GAO stated, among other things, that information about the intended use of these funds, the designated recipients, and whether recipients will receive the funds while HHS waits.
The intended use of these funds It supports a variety of projects, including improving health facilities, supporting mental and behavioral health programs, improving water and sanitation infrastructure, and programs to help reduce family poverty.
The designated recipients of these funds They are mostly higher education and other non-profit organizations. The remaining recipients are tribal, state, regional and local governments. Funding ranged from $15,000 to $76 million.
HHS plans to disburse all funds to recipients by the end of September 2022 And the amount of time recipients spend the money varies by HHS agency.
Why did the GAO do this study?
The Joint Explanatory Memorandum accompanying the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022 includes a provision for GAO to review agencies’ community project funding/congressionally directed expenditures.
For more information, contact Michelle Rosenberg at (202) 512-7114 or rosenbergm@gao.gov.
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