Grain deal, tech stock slump


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ISTANBUL (AP) — Ships full of Ukrainian wheat and other food may be safely sailing across the Black Sea in the next few weeks after Ukraine and Russia signed a UN export deal. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has driven up food prices around the world and overloaded silos of grain stuck in Ukraine. The two countries signed separate export deals with the UN and Turkey. A joint monitoring group will be set up in Turkey to run the operation and both sides pledged not to attack the cargo ships. The UN chief called the deal “a beacon of hope” that will help millions of hungry people but Ukraine’s foreign minister expressed caution, saying he still did not trust Russia.


Tomorrow’s ‘Top Gun’ might have drone wingman, use AI

FARNBOROUGH, England (AP) — Movie fighter pilots are depicted as highly trained military aviators with the skills and experience to defeat adversaries in thrilling aerial dogfights. New technologies, though, are set to redefine what it means to be a “Top Gun.” Algorithms, data and machines are taking on a bigger role in the cockpit. Such changes are hinted at in the movie “Top Gun: Maverick.” The future for fighter pilots was on display this week at the Farnborough International Airshow, near London. Drones have been used extensively in the war between Russia and Ukraine and other modern conflicts. At the Farnborough show, experts said the future of air warfare is likely to be manned and unmanned aircraft working together.



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