Product Locator, Role of Health Care Laundry in IP, and More


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Take 5 minutes to catch up on Infection Control Today’s highlights for the week ending July 22.

Here are 5 highlights from ICT®‘s wide-ranging coverage of the infection prevention and control world. Everything from interviews with known opinion leaders, to the news that infection preventionists and other health care professionals can use on their jobs.

Infection Control Today’s® Product Locator

Infection Control Today’s® Product Locator is a monthly column highlighting some of the latest advanced technology in the infection prevention field.

The Role of Health Care Laundry in Infection Prevention

Environmental sources of pathogen organisms can sometimes be difficult to narrow down in a health care facility. One possible source of transmission is the laundry used, and not maintaining strict cleanliness attention can put both patients and workers at risk.

We Need a Revolution

Read about a lady with white hair, being human, and how infection prevention needs to transform.

Bug of the Month: I May Be Rare, but You’ve Known About Me for Centuries

Bug of the Month helps educate readers about existing and emerging pathogens of clinical importance in healthcare facilities today.

Infection Prevention: A Collaborative Effort Among Patients, HCPs, and Family Members

Infection preventionists are not alone, despite how the COVID-19 pandemic has often made them feel. They are one point of the patient’s triad–and the bonds within the triad are vital for the patient’s outcome.


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