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Juniata County Commissioners have proclaimed Tuesday, October 17th as Business Women’s Week. At the ceremony are, from left, Commissioner Mark Agar, Juniata County Business and Professional Women’s Club representative Barbara Leiter, Commissioner Alice Gray, BPW representatives Lynley Richmond and Thelma Plant and Commissioner Todd Graybill.
MIFFLINTON – Barb Leiter of the Juniata County Business and Professional Women’s Club spoke to the Juniata County Commissioners on Tuesday, thanking them for their continued support as the commissioners announced the Oct. 17 meeting of the Business and Professional Women’s Organization in the county. “Women in Business Week”.
Leiter thanked the commissioners for their continued support of the club since its inception and recognized the Juniata County Women Business Owners and Professionals Commissioners for being supporters of the organization.
The Business and Professional Women’s Club hosts educational workshops for women of all ages and offers mentoring and leadership training programs for women and celebrates women in government.
Tuscarora Middle School’s Tiffany Reader also spoke to commissioners Tuesday to announce new educational offerings from Tuscarora Middle School and the PA Career Link at Lewistown and Juniata County Libraries, promoting prep classes including Juniata County residents. and adult education opportunities such as GED classes. There is also an accelerated 10-week program as well as a family literacy program for families with children.
Classes are set to begin Oct. 11 in the Juniata County Library Community Room. The program has accommodations for non-native English speakers and offers English as a second language instruction. Anyone interested can contact CareerLink in Lewistown at (717) 248-4942.
And, commissioners heard from Nadine Simpson of SEDA-COG, that with the additional funds available and additional funds needed for the Oakland Mills sewer project, a $79,000 transfer was successfully allocated to the project.
In other business on Tuesday, the board:
• Approved the 2022 9-1-1 statewide interconnection grant as recommended by Emergency Management Agency Director Allen Weaver. The amount of the grant is $154,684.
• Approving the following Federal Fiscal Year (FFI) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) budget revisions as recommended by Nadine Simpson, Program Assistant for the Council of Governments for Oakland Mills Sewerage.
• Received notification of Juniata County Reentry Strategic Planning Sub-Grant Award for $14,999 from October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023, as submitted by Lisa Stanker.
• Approved payment of checks Nos. 65854 through 65907 for $102,733.40.
The Wage Board also approved the minutes of the September 27 meeting.
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